Feature request - custom units/more units for measurements, individual full scale settings for each channel


Thread Starter
Jan 25, 2024
It would be nice to be able to set the unit for a measurement at will. Especially when importing data from a .csv file.

If I for example import impedance data from a .csv REW won't let me chose the Ohm unit for the data set. Instead it will assume I imported levels and when I click on Ohm in the unit drop down menu it will default back to SPL. It would be nice if at least for imported data if it were possible to set a unit for that dataset and REW stick with it.

It would also be nice to be able to set custom/arbitrary units for the dataset. REW has some really nice data manipulation and plotting features so it's actually a really handy tool for data other than voltage, SPL and impedance.

Example: I have a setup where I take impedance measurements but instead of using the built in method with reference resistors I have two channels, one with the voltage and the second one has a current sensor so the input data corresponds to the signal current. It would be nice to be able to set the unit for this second channel to Ampere also with its individual full scale calibration setting to that the levels are correct.

If you use .zma as the file extension REW will treat the data as impedance.
That's good to know, thanks! Will try that later.

It still would be handy to assign arbirtrary units to datasets and/or channels. Or at least if common units like Ampere could be added
For per-channnel calibration select that option for the input device in the Cal files preferences.
I just found the sine FS option in the extended calibration menu. I was under the impression that calibration files were only for frequency and phase response not FS level. Thanks for the tip!