feature requests


New Member
Thread Starter
Jun 7, 2019
I'm going to collect a few personal feature requests here.

Feature Request #01: DC output/offset
(priority: medium)

Sometimes it would be nice to have a DC output or DC offset capability.
- simplest way to output DC would be to allow duty cycle for square wave generator to include 0% (negative DC) and 100% (positive DC) values.
- more versatile would be an additional field in the level section of the generator, using the current unit from the main level field, and which should be applied to all test signals (exception: J-test), before clipping calculation and waveform preview display. Probably an extra check-box (add DC) to quickly enable/disable it, defaulting to disabled after startup for safety (maybe defaulting to disable everytime the generator is manually stopped, for even more safety).
- of course a big disclaimer/warning is required to make users aware of the dangers of DC. OTOH, square wave with extreme duty cycle is already as dangerous as pure DC.