First ever photo of a single atom hovering in thin air


Senior AV Addict
Thread Starter
Jul 13, 2017
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NAD T-777
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Oppo 103 Blu Ray Player
Streaming Subscriptions
Sony PS4 Gaming Console, Panamax MR-5100 Surge
Front Speakers
7 Paradigm Reference series 8" in ceiling speakers
2 Paradigm SE Subs
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Nintendo Wii U Gaming Console
Video Display Device
Samsung UN75F8000 LED TV
Remote Control
Universal Remote MX-450


"‘Single Atom in an Ion Trap’, by David Nadlinger, from the University of Oxford, shows the atom held by the fields emanating from the metal electrodes surrounding it. The distance between the small needle tips is about two millimetres.

When illuminated by a laser of the right blue-violet colour the atom absorbs and re-emits light particles sufficiently quickly for an ordinary camera to capture it in a long exposure photograph. The winning picture was taken through a window of the ultra-high vacuum chamber that houses the ion trap."
That's pretty incredible.

Nice find!
Truly amazing!
It appears to be 5% the diameter of those two millimeters. If so, that is quite a large atom!
I have to wonder which element it is.
Also, not thin air, it is an actual vacuum.
Well that would make the air pretty thin wouldn't it. :sarcastic:
Air? What air?

See... it was so thin it just disappeared and now you can't see it.
The atom we are seeing... is the thinnest air, ever! :nerd: