First Measurements of my Studio - suggestions needed.

Semih Yanyali

New Member
Thread Starter
May 2, 2018
My room is 12'x22'. Ceiling is around 7.5". I have bass traps, panels and ceiling cloud made out of 2" or 4" thick mineral wool or fiberglass.

I did 3 sweeps, one for each speaker and also a stereo one. The Mic (behringer ECM8000, i have the calibration file) is placed at my listening position. I didn't calibrate my soundcard. It's an UA Apollo 8. Some months ago i measured it and its almost flat so i dont think a calibration file of the soundcard will have much of an impact on the result.
But plz let me know if i am wrong.

My REW file, some screen shots and Room photos are attached.

Any suggestion on where i need to fix my room acoustics or how to do better measurements are welcome.


gear i am using: Apollo 8, Behringer ECM8000, Pair of Neumann KH310 monitors.

note: the calibration file is attached, i needed to compress the file, couldnt upload the file with .cal extension.

need to add: for these measurements i placed the Behringer ECM800 Mic pointing the ceiling. I get much better High Frequency results if i point the Mic towards the Monitor / shooting in between both speakers.

no idea, which way is the right way.

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