[REW V5.20.4]
The signal is from the REW generator, 997Hz 0dBFS sine at 24-bit PCM 48kHz, dithered at 24 bits. There's an even order harmonic distortion in this spectrum that is not ideal. I don't see the problem in 16-bit or fp32 signals.
These are good. 16-bit dithered at 16 bits and full-scale 32-bit float dithered at 25 bits.
The signal is from the REW generator, 997Hz 0dBFS sine at 24-bit PCM 48kHz, dithered at 24 bits. There's an even order harmonic distortion in this spectrum that is not ideal. I don't see the problem in 16-bit or fp32 signals.
These are good. 16-bit dithered at 16 bits and full-scale 32-bit float dithered at 25 bits.