GIK Acoustics 4A Alpha Panel Diffusor / Absorber Unboxing!

Todd Anderson

Editor / Senior Partner
Thread Starter
Jan 20, 2017
Baltimore/Washington Metro
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Unboxing video of GIK's 4A Alpha Panels... stick around because we'll have a full review in the coming month!

So if I recall they basically install a diffuser over the panel in your choice of color right? They look sweet! And props on the video productions.
It's like xmas about every week at Todd's house, opening up serious new goodies all the time.

What's with the cap Todd? You trying to hide from us? C'mon man... you inside the house, take your cap off man... show us some hair! lol

You are indeed becoming a pro with the video.... excellent work.

So yeah... looks like a thin, but stiff panel, over an acoustic panel. Are the inside edges raw, or are they painted as well... hard to tell, but they look unpainted to me. Might just be the viewing angle or reflection. They do look sharp though. Seems like it would add some nice decor to the room over plain acoustic panels.

These Alpha panels come with three levels of absorption: 2", 4", and 6". The ones being unboxed are 4". And you can opt for one dimensional or two dimensional diffuser plates (which both start diffusing at 1,000 Hz). The unboxing shows one dimensional panels.

And, yes, you can select from multiple colors of cloth and three plate colors. The edges on the black panels are left blonde (but can be stained... stay tuned on that!).

The panels are going to be installed at first reflection points, where I currently have 2" thick absorption only.

The idea is to randomly scatter above 1,000Hz while controlling down to around 70 Hz... making the room sound a little more lively and bigger!

GIK's awesome tech helpers guided me through the selection process. They said I *might* be able to show a little decay difference down to 70Hz... diffusion impact is going to be subjective.

Really good folks... products look to be well made! I'll have a full rundown/review once I get a chance to install them and play with them. Initial impressions are positive!!
I can solidly confirm based on my experience with Gik staff that they are very professional, super helpful, and will not try to oversell to you.

I wonder if they would sell the diffuser only portion as an add on instalation for panels you already own as it appears to just install on the surface of the panel in each corner.
This seems to coincide with what I see trending with absorption on lower frequencies and diffusing higher frequencies at first reflection points.

I wonder if you could order just the panels for existing acoustic panels.
I don't think they sell just the diffusion part... but, I can ask.

I have a DIY diffuser/absorption Binary Slat Diffusor on my back wall. I built it - custom - so, it isn't outside of the realm of possibility to create your own as an add-on to existing traps.
I can ask... not a big deal. I'm too lazy to make my own.
It is not often suggested so I look forward to your thoughts on sidewall diffusion Todd

I have had a single GIK 6A panel (Beech finish) along with 3x RPG Q7's on my rear wall for a good while now

Due to an alcove being at the front right of my room my side walls are not symmetrical so I just use some DIY panels there

My days of DIY were over years ago and have added quite a few GIK panels since then
I'm curious too... I had a long discussion with one of GIK's Acoustical Designers (Nick Christian) and he felt like these panels were the perfect way to help open up the sound stage just a tad more in my room. More aggressive forms of diffusion might not play as well, but this one offers some balance. So, I'm looking forward to this!

I spent several hours staining the "blonde" portion of the cutouts the diffusor panels are now uniformly black.

I'll have a full report! ;-)
When is the report due?
Wrapping up the writing today!