HBO: The Last of Us


AV Addict
Thread Starter
Apr 4, 2017
Empire, MN
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Pioneer VSX-832
Streaming Subscriptions
HBO Max, YouTubeTV, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+
Front Speakers
Definitive Technology Studio Monitor 55s
Center Channel Speaker
Definitive Technology CS8040
Surround Back Speakers
Definitive Technology DI6.5R
Other Speakers
Apple TV 4K
Video Display Device
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony 650

This is a new series that we're probably going to start in a couple of weeks so that we can watch a few in a row. Highly rated on IMDB right now but in the last year or two I think their ratings have been spammed. So I'll report back.
I played the video game like 12 years ago... Not bad back in the day...
I am curious on this series. Let us know your thoughts. :)
We’re thru 2 episodes and it hasn’t disappointed us yet. I sure hope this stuff isn’t possible!
With megalomaniacs like Claus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Hunter Biden around... How many Bio Labs does the US have around the world... And what are they really cooking up... Fasten your seat belts, its going to get a little bumpy...

BTW, would you loan me a conspiracy theory... Mine have all come true...
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This is an excellent series so far. We finished up season 1 last week and I'd put it up there with some of the great series we've watched over the years.
I tried watching episode 1 and couldn't get into it... maybe too many Walking Dead vibes? Not sure.

Maybe I need to give it another try?
Well, I can’t offer an opinion there as I might be one of 3 people who didn’t watch Walking Dead or any of it’s variants.
Wow! Two of us on the same forum! lol
I played the original video game, The Last of Us, several years ago when it first came out... I watched all of the Walking Dead series when it first came out... And I recently watched The Last of Us series... The Last of Us and The Walking Dead have very different story lines... Yes they both have zombies and even they are _very_ different... And no, I won't give away any more to spoil either series for anyone that cares to watch...
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I enjoying this watch for sure. Anyone know when season 2 may drop?
I enjoying this watch for sure. Anyone know when season 2 may drop?
2025 - going into production this year supposedly.
I played the original video game, The Last of Us, several years ago when it first came out... I watched all of the Walking Dead series when it first came out... And I recently watched The Last of Us series... The Last of Us and The Walking Dead have very different story lines... Yes they both have zombies and even they are _very_ different... And no, I won't give away any more to spoil either series for anyone that cares to watch...
Okay... so, maybe I need to give it another whirl.
Okay... so, maybe I need to give it another whirl.
I second ddude003. It it very different than The Walking Dead. Definitely worth a second chance. First rate A/V-wise as well.