Head scratching noob trying to set up REW


New Member
Thread Starter
Mar 9, 2021
Main Amp
Currently Onkyo TX DS595
For this: Khadas Tone Board
Front Speakers
Currently Tannoy Mercury 2.5
Hi all,
Sorry to introduce myself with a load of questions.
I am very new to all of this and wondered if somebody could hold my hand for a bit?

I have had a few goes at getting REW running and I get stuck at kind of each stage.
I picked up a UMIK-1 and have tried following the directions, but i end up with loads of tabs, trying all sorts and just not managing it.

I am using Linux Mint.

I am following the stages on minidsp dot com.

I think i got as far as REW starting a couple of weeks ago, but I just did a fresh install of Mint to upgrade to 20.1.
Now I am stuck. With a LOT of tabs open!

I don't know if I have managed to set to 24 bit yet, I seem to have managed to set to 32 bit??

Anyway, I see i need Java 8.
I have java 11. Does that include java 8? or are they two separate things?
I followed a thread on here (i was going to link it but i can't as I am a noob)

So I click on Linux Installer at roomeqwizard site

It downloads (I am sure i went to REW last time and followed terminal instructions, but i have been doing all sorts in the mean time.)
I double click on it in downloads it loads (takes a while) and then I get this:

I would appreciate any help, I just don't know what i am doing at all.
Thank you.
I thought I would have another go at this.
I installed REW on my Manjaro laptop about a year ago, having failed with Mint the time before but ran out of time.

I just tried last week to follow the instructions on REW and videos but am not getting anything the same options available.
I tried doing a system update, but something wasn't happy.

I tried just going straight to the new download for linux and it downloads, then mostly installs, but I got exactly the same as above.
Except it is version 5.20.13

I thought I would uninstall completely and start again again. I went to start uninstalling using Pamac, but I can't find it in there.
well, not anything starting with an R anyway.
What is it called please?
How do I uninstall it from Manjaro?


My other question is a really basic one.
I am looking forward to pondering the graph outputs.
I can create a sweep (even though the settings can't be set) and put it through my Amp via the 3.5mm jack from my laptop.

I have read the guides that I can find but struggling with terminology.
Am I right in thinking that I can assess my full system by putting the sweep through the whole system?
I am thinking that would mean USB from my laptop wouldn't it?
I have a Pi based system with Volumio.
Am I looking to make the laptop a USB input to Volumio somehow?
I can't think how I make my laptop visible as a USB source in Volumio.

You haven't installed the program so there isn't anything for you to uninstall. The installer is a shell script (that's what the .sh extension means), it contains a set of commands and the REW program code and data. To run the shell script you need to make it executable, that's what the

chmod u+x REW_linux_5_19.sh

command in the terminal does. If you double click on the file before making it executable the system assumes you are trying to edit it. The editor isn't thrilled by that since the file has a lot of content that isn't text, hence the message about invalid characters.

After you download the file, do not double click it. Open a terminal window in your downloads folder, and use the commands in the help:

chmod u+x REW_linux_5_19.sh
sudo ./REW_linux_5_19.sh

If you want to install it as a normal user rather than a super user omit the "sudo". To avoid problems with finding and installing a suitable Java runtime there is a Linux installer that includes a runtime, so use that.

Volumio is a player, so to use Volumio for measurement you would need to save sweeps to files and play them back in Volumio, the process is described here.
Thank you for this.
I did think I followed all the steps, but clearly not.

I tried using the Linux installer which led me to the same scenario as above, but I must have missed something, thanks.

Yes, I am aware Volumio is a player.
I hadn't thought to save the sweeps as files. That makes a whole lot of sense lol.
I was thinking i needed to be making my laptop the source. A USB source, you know?
Plug the laptop which is creating the sound into USB input of my USBridge. As if it were a USB stick.
But this makes more sense. I definitely got the wrong end of the stick.

I still don't understand what is the normal thing to do.
I shall read and fiddle and watch some more and try and work it out.
Must be a way to make my drop downs look the same as on walkthroughs. I must have missed another step somewhere....
Or something :)

Thanks again.