Help me fine tune the auto-EQ function?


New Member
Thread Starter
May 29, 2020
Hi all, I'm using the auto-EQ function on my main (full range) speakers. I'm navigating the process OK, and I'm generating good results. However I'd like to get tighter results at the low end of the band, approx. 300Hz and down. I've attached photos.

The sweep image shows (top pair) raw uncorrected and (bottom pair) measured in-room results after running REW auto EQ. Ignore vertical offset between pairs, that's deliberate.

Do you see anything I might adjust to allow more aggressive correction at the low end of the passband? Thanks so much.


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Do you see anything I might adjust to allow more aggressive correction at the low end of the passband? Thanks so much
What smoothing is applied? You might get more resolution with variable smoothing if that’s not what it is already.
If you click the little camera icon above the chart Y axis it will capture the legend for posting charts.

It also may be that you have areas where EQ won’t work or work well because they are not minimum phase regions.
See REW help for an explanation if not familiar already.

For the high frequencies you might want to use a couple of high shelf filters vs a bunch of PEQ type if not done already.
There are valid reasons for not EQing frequencies above the rooms transition frequency. Broad high shelf filters are not the same in this context.


Post in thread 'Room mode reduction with each corrections'

The settings generally look ok. I personally wouldn’t use a 10dB individual boost, but that’s not going to take you in the direction you want to go, regardless.

Folks could maybe tell a little more if the .mdat file was posted.