high school is banning homework and tests to 'reduce stress'


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Jul 13, 2017
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There is a lot of news in regards to kids and schools and in particular stress due to too many projects, home work, tests, quizzes, etc.

Recently, one high school in Sweden decided to get rid of homework and exams.. What do you think? Good? Bad?

Grades will be determined by in class assignments.

from yahoo,
This is being talked about here as well, I had homework and survived and so did many of us. I think its just priorities at home. Kids would rather play X-box or chat on line or by text on their phones than do homework. Its just going to reinforce the attitude that I dont have to work hard to get ahead in life. "get a ribbon for just showing up"
I agree. I also was swamped with homework, exams, pop exams, you name it and we all survived.

I think kids today don't know how easy they have it. Really.

Problem with all this is that kids will not be ready for the real world let alone college.
I had to do everything by hand also, The only computers we had access to were Apple IIe with dot matrix printers (graduated highschool in 1988). We did research at the Library using real books and had to do our own proof reading for spelling and grammar. If that was not stressful I dont know what is.
lol. Kids today don't even know what a card catalog is.. lol..

I worry for the future, I really do.
Card catalog... Is that like Amazon for decks of playing cards????
For the Millennial generation, yes.. lol. :)

We will just leave it as that.
I remember when computers were just coming out. My dad was I the Air Force and sometimes I would go to work with him. I remember seeing their computer, took up an entire room and then some! One day on the way home he told me that the Base School was putting them in all the classrooms for the students to start learning. It seemed strange to me back then!

But back to the kids...a certain amount of stress is good for you. Wakes up the body and focuses you. Don't think it would work in America. But then again, how many kids skip their homework anyway? And we see where they wind up...shopping in WalMart (see my avatar).
Ask a kid what the Dewey Decimal System is and see what response you get. :rofl:
lol. That and the card catalog go hand in hand. Kids today, no idea.. lol.
Slide rule anyone? used one in my younger years before calculators were available that did not require a plugin LOL
This is being talked about here as well, I had homework and survived and so did many of us. I think its just priorities at home. Kids would rather play X-box or chat on line or by text on their phones than do homework. Its just going to reinforce the attitude that I dont have to work hard to get ahead in life. "get a ribbon for just showing up"
Ever heard of "continuing school" it is for students who can not make it in school...they go to a special school and get an "A" for showing up. The smart ones then return to their High School the last semester to graduate so it appears that they graduated from a regular school rather than a free A school. We had thise in California, and I did not like the idea at all.
I agree. I also was swamped with homework, exams, pop exams, you name it and we all survived.

I think kids today don't know how easy they have it. Really.

Problem with all this is that kids will not be ready for the real world let alone college.
Just another extension of teaching kids to pass the exam, and not learn the subject.