How Do I Remove Support Columns In A Basement?


Loved and Remembered Emeritus Reviewer
Thread Starter
Nov 21, 2016
North Carolina, USA
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Onkyo TX-SR705 Receiver
Main Amp
Crown XLS 1502 DriveCore-2 (x2 as monoblock)
Additional Amp
Behringer A500 Reference Power Amplifier
Front Speakers
MartinLogan Electromotion ESL Electrostatic (x2)
Center Channel Speaker
Phantom Center
Surround Speakers
NSM Audio Model 5 2-Way (x2)
JBL ES150P Powered Subwoofer (x2)
We looked at a house today that has real potential for a great home theater in the walk-out basement. But there are support columns that would have to be moved.

There are 4 steel columns, spaced every 7 feet along the length of the basement. The first would have to be removed. The second needs to be moved about 3 feet.

I realize this is not a trivial matter, that they are supporting the floor above, etc. There is only one floor above. The question: how would you go about doing it safely?

Moving the second one puts more weight on the first one. The best way I can think of trying to get rid of the first one would be to turn it into two beams spaced apart with a steel beam. in between.

Here is a rough diagram. The screen / front of the room would be at the top of the rectangle below. It is not to scale, just an approximation.


Any suggestions are appreciated.
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You will need support columns on each side and run a support beam across the room from column to column.

The question might be can you get the beam in the room. If not... look for another house. A good listening room is a MUST!
Must is an understatement. No listening room / home theater, no house.
Couldn't agree more! Do I need to drive up to NC to help you pick out a house?
Might end up needing some experienced advice once renovations get under way. That will be couple of months away, though.

Although the house in question has a LOT going for it, it is only day one of searching. I am hoping for a choice with a room that requires no such fundamental structural mods.
Did you only get to look at one house today... or several, and this was one of the several that you somewhat liked?

I hope you can find a drop-in AV room (ready to drop in your equipment) in the house you end up liking the best. Actually if the house has a drop-in AV room, it should be the one you LOVE.

Of course are three VERY important requirements when buying a home that we learned years ago... 1. Location 2. Location 3. Location
I agree, moving those posts is not just a simple matter of moving. Often the slab under them is also re enforced with a thicker and deeper cement pad. I would probably pass on that house if having the perfect listening space is what you want down there.
Moving those posts sounds like an expensive nightmare...

Hope you find what you're looking for!
We looked at 3 homes, that is the only one of the 3 that was a possibility.

Thanks for all of the great input. Foor the reasons you have given, alomg with the location not being quite right, we are probably going to NOT go with that one.
Officially done thinking about moving support columns around. Y'all have scared me way from it!
Fully agree, just too complex and messy to do right, if there even is a right way to do it.
I have done the renovation thing twice. I was much younger then & did most of the work. Which is what helps save $'s. That being said, if you are going to hire out the work, I don't recommend it. Much better to build from scratch. It adds up to the same money (there are always going to be "add-ons" and this is where they make their money). Much better to look at blueprints than actual houses. An architect will know what to show you after a few questions & you'll get exactly what you want so much faster. Reno's always have flaws that sooner or later come home to roost! Rent an apartment while you are building. Much less stress!
Officially done thinking about moving support columns around. Y'all have scared me way from it!

Good idea, unless the homeowner is an expert at this, I believe an expert would have to be hired. Not something a typical home owner can do.
I have done the renovation thing twice. I was much younger then & did most of the work. Which is what helps save $'s. That being said, if you are going to hire out the work, I don't recommend it. Much better to build from scratch. It adds up to the same money (there are always going to be "add-ons" and this is where they make their money). Much better to look at blueprints than actual houses. An architect will know what to show you after a few questions & you'll get exactly what you want so much faster. Reno's always have flaws that sooner or later come home to roost! Rent an apartment while you are building. Much less stress!

Well are looking at building a new house too, and renting while it is built.