How to measure Gain through a chain of stages using REW

IWC Doppel

New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 19, 2020
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Naim AV2, Acurus ACT4 -16, naim 32.5
Main Amp
naim 135 monoblocks
Additional Amp
BK MF1000, BK500
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic UDP9000
Front Speakers
Sonus Faber Extrema
Center Channel Speaker
Sonus Faber Cremona M
Surround Speakers
Sonus Faber Electa amator
Sonus Faber Cremona M x3
Hi all, I am thinking through my Av system which is predominantly old Hi-Fi and wanted to see how the gain structure works for my subs and measure how I increase and decrease gain to possibly structure in a better way.

Say for the Left speaker I go from my BR 4K player to a naim 32.5 which then goes to a mining DSP 10x10 HD (I reduce the gain by 10db to match the LFE channel which is direct into the DSP) and then this all drives 5 subs in a matrix set up)

So for say one sub from the left channel I am Xmv from the BR player which is changed at listening volume to Ymv leaving my pre amp then Zmv leaving my DSP then Tmv leaving my internal preamps in my subwoofer amp then finally Smv leaving my power amp

What is the best way to measure this with the generator ? my subs are only <65Hz

Can I just generate some pink noise or other an measure the voltage ?