Hurry Denon AVR4300H $799

Wow... that is an incredibly good deal there.
I agree, almost half off from the original price. Good deal. :)
Exactly 47% off the original price. I went ahead and order one. Now I'm trying to figure out how to explain it to my wife without being sent to sleep on the couch?
You have to counter balance it with some nice jewelry and purse combo. :) Best of luck!
I told the wife and got "the look." I told her if I can't sell my X4200, I would return return the X4300
lol. I know that look. :)
Just to update, the price went back up to: $1,395.00...

So, you got a great deal! :)
Wow, i can't believe the price went up already. I just got an email from Amazon stating my X4300 is out for delivery. That's some fast shipping!
hmm, time for you to buy a lotto ticket. :)
Wow, i can't believe the price went up already. I just got an email from Amazon stating my X4300 is out for delivery. That's some fast shipping!
Never mind. The topic on the email said out for deliver, but it won't be here till next Monday.
On Monday, we expect a full review. lol. :)
Review and pictures. I know the newer units have a different app that have EQ options. So I'll be testing that as well as REW.
You can pick up one here if your in the Austin area for $897. Unfortunately tax will be included. But still should be pretty good price. This is a family owned local store I've been shopping for a long time. They will ship but shipping will be on you.
So, I received the X4300H yesterday. Remember how I was joking around about sleeping on the couch. To save some time, now we are looking in to a divorce. At least, I am ready to move on. I found some stuff out, and now that's how the cookie crumbles.
Wow, I am at a loss for words for this update..

Congrats on the X4300H and sorry to hear about the upcoming divorce.

If you guys can work things out, give it a try.. maybe some counseling, etc. Outside of that, not much else I can say..

Do, what is best for yourself.. Best of luck buddy.
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So, I received the X4300H yesterday. Remember how I was joking around about sleeping on the couch. To save some time, now we are looking in to a divorce. At least, I am ready to move on. I found some stuff out, and now that's how the cookie crumbles.
You're joking right? If not that's HORRIBLE! We all joke about this hobby and the WAF but hopefully that wasn't a contributing factor if you are being serious. Sorry.....
You're joking right? If not that's HORRIBLE! We all joke about this hobby and the WAF but hopefully that wasn't a contributing factor if you are being serious. Sorry.....

We were trying to work things out. I found a conversation between her and another guy on Facebook. There is a possibility that Vicente (new born) might not be mine after all. So, I've got to wait until Monday to go to a clinic and have a DNA test done just to confirm he's mine son. I feel that our marriage is over after all the things that have been going on. There's no point to try to work things out anymore since clearly she isn't happy. It is time to move on.

This is horrible and I am devastated, but I am keeping calm and taking it day bay day now. I know this isn't about me anymore. This is about my kids and making sure they are okay.
Newegg has the X4300H for $799.99 - $25 dollars coupon code MPBTS17. If you live in CA, you will have to pay for taxes, which brings the total to $830.12 includes free shipping!
I had some time today, and I was able to set up my new Denon AVR-X4300H. I was lucky to get it for $799 shipped from Amazon. So, I don't really see the difference as much between my previous Denon AVR-X4200W and the Denon AVR-X4300H. I like the HEOS feature since I've got a Denon HEOS Pre-Amp in my patio. I did noticed better sound quality when streaming music from my HTPC instead of using the HEOS app using Spotify Premium.

I ran the Auddyssey XT32, and the Denon AVR-X4300H provided the same distances and dB's than my previous Denon AVR-X4200W. I did noticed the front left / right channels were set to Large, and the center channel to Small. The Denon AVR-X4200W would set my front three speakers to Large. The front Left and right were set to 50 Hz, and the center to 80 Hz. I ended up making all speakers to small. Front 3 at 80 Hz and the surrounds at 120 Hz. This is how I had it set up previously.

Now, I just need to get some more speakers to take advantage of Atmos / DTS-X. I'm also reading into Denon Auro 3D, but that upgrade is on hold for now until I decided with, which speaker set up to go with.

First two pictures are for the Denon AVR-X4200W and the last two are for the Denon AVR-X4300H.


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Great. Thanks for the update. Good to hear about the AVR-X4300H.
Great Deal, I paid ~1100 for my 4300 when it was still the latest, and that was ~2-300 less than elsewhere at that time.
4300 is a good AVR IMO, I've been POUNDING mine since I got it(0-+18 for many many hours at a time).
Had it at +2 - +6 for 5 hrs last night, and it's at +3 right now...I listen very loud, the speakers are High Efficiency 96-98db as well... getting worked.