I Didn't Expect This! (New Subs)


Senior AV Addict
Thread Starter
Dec 5, 2017
Central FL
For several years I've been sporting a couple of SVS PB-2000 subs. Great subs, but in my small 12.5L x 11w x 10 foot high room (only 1375 cuft) there is about 10dB more output below 50Hz than above it. Always attributed that to room gain with the lowest primary mode being 47Hz. Could be lots of fun for some movies but not so great for music. EQ required.

A couple of years ago, give or take, I picked up a Rythmik E15HP. It had a much more linear response in this room, it being sealed and not having as much output down low. I had hoped the E15HP might be enough subwoofer and I'd go to just one sub, but either because it was just not enough, or with an improved sense of "presense" from multiple subs, I wasn't satisfied with just the one. So, employing Dirac Live Bass Control and/or MSO (Multi-Sub Optimizer) magic, the combination of the 2 PB-2000 and 1 Rythmik worked very well together. They sounded great and I've been very happy, except this hobby is like a disease. Was I leaving something on the table?

This past weekend I swapped out the 2 PB-2000 for 2 Rythmik E15HP and just have the 3 Rythmik in the room.
I started by listening with the two front Rythmiks, each placed at 25% from its respective sidewall to reduce even room modes. With no EQ they were sounding really good. This was a surprise because my experience in this room is that most of the time something new doesn't sound good without a bit of effort.

Anyway, the 3rd got placed very close to the middle of a sidewall to reduce odd room modes and then gave the trio a listen. Sounded better. Cool. Time to run a DLBC calibration...

DLBC done. Listened some more. Good stuff :). Turned the Dirac filters off and used only the delay and volume settings it had calculated and .... o_O? This sounds a bit better to my ear! Pretty linear, a bit more warmth. No boomy notes standing out. It must be preference and not reference, right?

Today, despite the risk of finding some glaring error in the response or crossover or whatever in the un-EQ'd response that would prove I can't hear jack, REW was pulled out and put to use.

These are the individual raw Sub measurements, amp settings of high damping, 20Hz, limiter on. UMIK-1 with Cross Spectrum calibration file without Sens info, so absolute SPL is incorrect.

Subs Individually.  200Hz XO.png

And here are the 3 subs and the left front together. Without EQ and With Dirac Live Bass Control (Harman +4dB House Curve applied).

LF and Subs - DLBC vs Not.png

I'm guessing the extra SPL at 80-90Hz and the rise below 30Hz are what I perceived as added warmth in the un-EQ'd response.
The depression at 55Hz is a function of the speaker position and LP. It will EQ, but sounds better without it. Why that is is probably a whole 'nother discussion.
Last point is the Dirac filters are from a combined 9 measurement positions. Dirac could be the clear winner in seats right and left of the LP, I haven't checked yet.

Info on the E15HP in these links:
Rythmik Audio E15HP Subwoofer

Rythmik H600XLR3 Amp Controls
Congrats on the new subs. Always nice to get new toys. Even better when they measure well without much effort. Hope you get many years of enjoyment from them.
Congrats on the new subs. Always nice to get new toys. Even better when they measure well without much effort. Hope you get many years of enjoyment from them.
Thank you!
Speaking of new toys, I’ll look forward to hearing about that new JTR 210RM when it arrives at your place!
Good news, I got a FedEx email this morning saying my package from JTR Speakers was picked up this morning and the scheduled delivery is this Sunday Jan 29. That's a month sooner than I expected it (which is good, because this time next month we'll be in Mexico). It's been too cold and snowy here to modify my center console, so the 210RM will temporarily rest on my sub for awhile.
How does it look with your mains included?
How does it look with your mains included?

It’s a small room and the PB-2000s are slightly larger, so I think these fit the room better.
The Rythmiks are black matte and are less reflective than the SVS black oak.
In the end they are black boxes sitting next to other black boxes which is not particularly attractive, but good to have with a projector. :)
Best I can do with an iPhone camera.

Nice... although I was referring to the response sweep. :whistling:
Ahh... I wasn't paying attention.