Impulse Response Graph


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Oct 4, 2018
Perhaps I am the only one, but I am always unable to pinch and stretch the Impulse Response graph properly so that I can see the "curve" detail in the X 350-550 ms range and Y -.01-.01 range. I am looking for a workaround. I know that I can double click on the graph to bring up the chart editor. Is there a tab and settings in there that will set the Impulse Response to visualize in those X & Y ranges? Thanks. JCR
You can zoom any graph region by click and drag from top left to bottom right of the area of interest. Right click and drag to move the data on the display.
Hi, I am not sure what you're trying to do here at the 350ms and above. Generally speaking Impulse Response is mostly used for the very first few ms to measure the delay or group delay. You may want to change the graph sitting from DBFS to % by selecting the % from a drop down window at the upper right side of the impulse response window, then you may be able to stretch it. But again the importance of IR is the first 10 msec.