Is there any software that can simulate a room with non-parallell surfaces?


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Nov 10, 2019
My room is really unsuited, but I'm curious if ther is any software that could simulate it. Would be fun.

The right wall is vertical.


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To my Knowledge there is Comsol Multyphysics and there is Odeon, both can do this. Most likely CATT can do it too, i heard about i-simpa may do the trick, Soundflow may help with the calculation of absorbers and diffusion.
Thanks for pointing them out. The priceas are out of my league, unfortunately. It would have been fun to have a play around with one of them.
I have not had good experiences with various simulators and predictors. In a situation with an actual room, actual measurement has to be way better.
REW and other software can provide instant feedback with movements of speakers and or listener, using the Spectrum/RTA
I agree completely. In all but the simplest of rooms all simulators fail. Measurements work fine it it does require a degree of skill to effectively use. It has taken me hundreds of hours to get to the point of able to get results that correlate to what you hear.
What are you trying to optimize? How much flexibility do you have!
Sorry for the delay. I thought perhaps a dispersion map would be fun to have. I'm not really willing to alter my room much more than I have, but I thought perphaps I might get some new ideas.
Your ceiling is very near one of the speakers. Some sort of Cloud initiative would probably be very beneficial.
Linn - Space Optimisation should do the trick. You'll have to use their brand processor and a compatible speaker set, though...They use a custom room building app where you can draw out your room dimensions and specify materials
in the room. A costly but effective solution.
Your ceiling is very near one of the speakers. Some sort of Cloud initiative would probably be very beneficial.
So it is called ceiling, even when slanted! Good to know. I have decided against a cloud because this is my living room. I have thought long and hard about it though. I was thinking perhaps some sort of curtain arrangement might work. but I doubt it will do enough in the mids.
I would also trap the wall/ceiling junction as it's acting like the room is one gigantic horn. And unfortunately one that is all the way to the right of the room rather than centered.
Just a final update. I've decided that placing bookshelves on the right wall is as far as I can go to try and deal with the right wall reflections. Hopefully it will both diffuse and absorb from that surface. Other than that I really can't do much more to my living room without making it look totally ridiculous, I will purchase an 8 channel MiniDSP and see if I can get some improvement from it.