Jack Ryan on Amazon


AV Addict
Thread Starter
Apr 4, 2017
Empire, MN
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Pioneer VSX-832
Streaming Subscriptions
HBO Max, YouTubeTV, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+
Front Speakers
Definitive Technology Studio Monitor 55s
Center Channel Speaker
Definitive Technology CS8040
Surround Back Speakers
Definitive Technology DI6.5R
Other Speakers
Apple TV 4K
Video Display Device
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony 650
I started watching this on Monday and I whipped right thru 4 episodes right away. I highly recommend this series if you like action series.
Thanks. I have amazon prime and I do like action. Will check it out. :)
I enjoyed the Jack Ryans on Amazon. I preferred Season-1. Both seasons also available in 4K!
Gonna finish season 1 today hopefully.
Anyone have AV sync issue with Prime Video? I am using a Roku Ultra to stream and Prime Video has the issue but the other apps - YouTube, Netflix do not. I tried removing and adding the app and updating the Roku device but no change. I emailed Roku support but no reply.
Any suggestions?
Anyone have AV sync issue with Prime Video? I am using a Roku Ultra to stream and Prime Video has the issue but the other apps - YouTube, Netflix do not. I tried removing and adding the app and updating the Roku device but no change. I emailed Roku support but no reply.
Any suggestions?
I have not but I primarily use an Apple TV and Nvidia Shield. I do have a Roku stick hooked up in the bedroom. I'll go and check it out.
I had zero issues on the two Roku sticks that I own.
I watched about 1/2 of episode one (fell asleep) and have just not had the time to get back to it. Don't have to be back to work until Jan 2nd so I hope to get a few episodes in. Looks like it's really good.
Get back on it Mark! You won't be disappointed!
I'm enjoying this series even though it's taking me a long time to get through season 1. Looking forward to season 2.
Season 3 finished and still an awesome show. I think that the ATMOS on this show is top shelf.