klipsh rp-280fa vs chane 2.4

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The equipment you have listed is hard to follow. I’m not sure what each piece is being used for but assume you already own some or all of it?

Personally I think the Chane subwoofers are better than the Klipsch subwoofers you have listed. They will play much louder at most it not all frequencies.

As for the main speakers, I am not really a Klipsch fan. I find them on the bright side and prefer other speakers for the same money. Having said that, one mans bright is another mans detailed. Comparing these two speakers is hard. The Klipsch is much more sensitive and is more likely to hit or come close to reference levels. The Chane might as well, but I have my doubts. The Chane I think is the more neutral sounding of the two. I would go for them one if these were my only choices, but know that with the Chane you may need some external amplification to hit reference levels.
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As we have said before you have chosen some good speakers and each has its pros anc cons. The challenge with giving you an answer is that your room acoustic will change how each speaker interacts within the room so rating them would be pointless. You have a good list and any of them would be an awesome system so make a decision based on what you want for looks and what you can afford.
Gentlemen, kudos for attempting to answer the question. Take a look at the old site under member name Markyboy14 for some insight as to what to expect in future posts.
Well the only people who can give a definitive answer are those who have listened to both extensively and could write a review on the sound of each. That number is going to be very few, but I'll share a few thoughts.

Regarding Klipsch being bright, the newer designs are less so than the old designs due to using better waveguides, but they are still going to be a more aggressive sound (just maybe a little less than they used to). Also bright does not mean detailed - it just means there is an uptick in the response in the higher treble. There is detail in the bass, in the mids, and in the highs, and I would bet that Chane probably squeezes more detail out of its sound than does Klipsch due to the components used, but Klipsch speakers will not be lacking. I can tell you that I have auditioned the A3rx-c 4 years ago and they are neutral with lots of detail. The midbass and lower midrange were lethargic on my pair so I did not keep them, however, it is possible they did not work well in that room. I did give them 100 hours of break-in. I'm still open to trying Chane in the future as I do like their design, and I am in a different room now. I really loved the planar magnetic tweeter. Best I've heard.

I think your best bet is going to be to read a lot of reviews of each to get an idea of what to expect from them, and consider taking advantage of Chane's in-home trial. Also, I would recommend looking at different subs. See if Rythmik, SVS, or HSU would get you more sub for your dollar. How many cubic feet will these be going into? Do you really need four?
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