Las Vegas, shows are amazing

Tony V.

Senior Member
Thread Starter
Apr 14, 2017
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Onkyo TX RZ920
Main Amp
Samson Servo 600
Additional Amp
QSC MX1500
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Panasonic 220
Streaming Subscriptions
Denon DT 625 CD/Tape unit, Nintendo WiiU, and more
Front Speakers
EV Sentry 500
Center Channel Speaker
EV Sentry 500
Surround Speakers
Mission 762
Surround Back Speakers
Mission 762
Video Display Device
Panasonic AE 8000
Remote Control
Logitech 1100
So the wife and I along with a couple close friends went to Vegas (it was our first time but our friends have been before).

The strip itself is a crazy place with some strange people but I must admit the sights and sounds were really amazing! we went to the Luxor and saw The Blue Man Group, that was really good, they has an amazing show with alot of special effects and audience participation. We also saw the Cirque du soleil Michael Jackson "One" production at the Mandalay Bay Resort and that was probably the best Cirque show I have ever seen as far as production quality is concerned. The sound system in that theater was better than any movie theater I have ever been in. They had remastered all of the music used and was in full surround sound and the LFE was absolutely thunderous!

What other Vegas shows have others seen that would be good to go to? I wanted to see the Celine dion show but had already spent my limit.
We also caught The Blue Man Group in Vegas. It was amazing! A line of huge drums that they poured neon colored paint onto and as they beat the drums the paint was splattered onto a huge canvas. All of this under black lighting and it was a spectacle to say the least. A little pricey but well worth it.
When did you guys go see the show? Thats was the same thing they did for us. There was one point in the show where they had toilet paper and streamers all over the theater and they did some funky thing with the lights and it looked like stop motion, it was really interesting.
This has been years ago. Maybe mid 2000's when we traveled to Vegas for a wedding. It was a long time ago. It would have been 2004 or 2005.
Blue Man Group is fantastic show... I've caught them in Boston and in DC. A ton of fun.

Looks like I have a reason to get out to vegas!
(Not that I really needed one... :-)