Logitech discontinues Harmony


AV Addict
Thread Starter
Apr 4, 2017
Empire, MN
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Pioneer VSX-832
Streaming Subscriptions
HBO Max, YouTubeTV, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+
Front Speakers
Definitive Technology Studio Monitor 55s
Center Channel Speaker
Definitive Technology CS8040
Surround Back Speakers
Definitive Technology DI6.5R
Other Speakers
Apple TV 4K
Video Display Device
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony 650
On the bright side, they have no intention of discontinuing support. I just don't think it was that big of a money maker for them.
I was a big fan of my original NEEO. I only went to the Harmony because it was the next best thing once NEEO sold out to Control 4. I just don’t like the idea of not being able to reprogram my own remote.
The end of an era. It's been a good run I suppose. :(
CEC ARC is still hit or miss. Hopefully the kinks are worked out by the time we'll be looking for a replacement to our Harmonys.
I'm thinking someone will pick up the Harmony brand.
I'm thinking someone will pick up the Harmony brand.
You mean like someone picked up the NEEO brand…and made it CI only?

I’m still bitter.
Since Harmony has never been CI only, I'd be surprised if that happened... they would likely lose a lot of business if they did, so hopefully they would have sense enough to figure that out.
Since Harmony has never been CI only, I'd be surprised if that happened... they would likely lose a lot of business if they did, so hopefully they would have sense enough to figure that out.
Neither was NEEO.
Yeah... but NEEO has never had a huge user base like Harmony... two different markets.
True, but it's not crazy to think that the custom install groups would love removing any and all popular, powerful, easy-to-use DIY control/automation products removed from the DIY space.