madVR Envy Extreme vs LumagenRadiance Pro UltraHD


Senior Member
Bright Side Crew
Thread Starter
Oct 1, 2022
Austin, Texas
Hello folk,

I would love to see a professional review of the madVR Envy Extreme vs the LumagenRadiance Pro UltraHD on this forum. Apparently, this is long overdue as I'm not finding any online side-by-side comparison reviews of these two models. There is such a massive price difference between the two, it would be great to see if there were equally sized performance differences as well. Cheers.
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Hello folk,

I would love to see a professional review of the madVR Envy Extreme vs the LumagenRadiance Pro UltraHD on this forum. Apparently, this is long overdue as I'm not finding any online side-by-side comparison reviews of these two models. There is such a massive price difference between the two, it would be great to see if there were equally sized performance differences as well. Cheers.
I recently found this comparison below that was really compelling. Eager to see the reviews on the new Madvr units vs the old ones and vs the current Lumagen offerings. Good times.

MadVR Envy Part 2 - Auto Aspect Ratio Switching, with a Lumagen Radiance Pro comparison.
That would be a good one - it would be impossible to do through the cooperation of manufacturers. I think @Michael Boeker might be able to provide a lot of insight… he has hands on with products like this