Magnepan Needs Your Help: 30.7 for Condo's prototype audition


Thread Starter
Apr 24, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Marantz AV 8802A
Main Amp
Carver 1.5t
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Streaming Subscriptions
RPG diffusors, GIK diffusors and corner traps
Front Speakers
Surround Back Speakers
Magnepan 10.1
Magnepan needs your help

Are you willing to publicly give your feedback of Magnepan's proposed new speaker concept? Below are the cities and dates of select cities for the first tour to hear public opinions. Instead of filling out focus group forms or giving information to Magnepan's representatives at the demonstration, Magnepan is encouraging public debate. (Negative feedback can be just as valuable as positive feedback.)

If you are interested in hearing this speaker concept, it is critical that your dealer have your contact information. Winter storms could cause a delay of the tour.

Chicago-- Quintessence Audio, Wednesday, December 11th
Toronto-- Audio Excellence, Saturday, December 14th
Pittsburgh-- Butch's Sound and Vision, Monday, December 16th
Northern New Jersey (Verona)-- Audio Connection, Wednesday, December 18th

I took a couple of days off, so I can take my time on the drive back. I'll be attending the December 11th event, at Quintessence Audio. Really looking forward to hearing the Condo Mag's, seeing their size factor is small maybe I can get Wendell to swap them into the "tweets in" position, haha:;>
Quintessence Audio is in Morton Grove IL, which Google maps says is 15.9 miles and 33 minutes from Chicago. It also says I was there 4 yrs ago, forgot it was that long ago. I went to hear some of the Magico line of speakers, I think that I ended up preferring the Sonus Faber speakers.

Some early reviews
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Thanks for posting, @Titanium Troy.

Wish I were closer. Sure did enjoy the Maggie debut of the prototype LRS.