measurement questions umik-1


Thread Starter
Apr 26, 2023

I have been using REW with umik-1 a bit. Decided to try AL today. I have some questions:

In Rew i use to calibrate the volume so i see 75-80 dbspl and take my measurements from there. Are we not targeting any spl when taking sweeps through AL? microphone level at -20 is very low. Should i adjust this or the amplifier volume?

I target a harmon curve that i picked on some forum which worked pretty well for me in REW. Are there any sample target curves we can download? the RED one in the manual is what i was after but i dont see them anywhere in the folders. I am on trial version.
Welcome @jcaky,

Start a short measurement and adjust the output by year: It should be loud enough to be clear, but with a good margin to where the speakers start to sound strained or something in the room start to rattle.

Then adjust the input sensitivity of the microphone to recieve as strong signal as possible, but without clipping. Observe that the measurement monitor comes alive. As long as you're in the green region you should be OK.

Then you're set for the real measurement.
Thanks. Re target curve which originally intended for 75 dbspl , do i need to change values (minus probably) to match the level? The curve starts 6+ at 31hz and -6 at 30k hz. Sorry a bit confused and noob!
This imo a matter of taste. I prefer maybe 3-4 dB drop from 100Hz to 10kHz, but I have a lot of seasoned users / hifi experts that are close to your suggestion. If you have the time and desire I recommend that you spend some months playing with various target curves to find out what you like.