Measurement/Reduce Background Noise


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Aug 8, 2017
I have noticed that multiple measurements that is vector averaged gives alot better signal/noise ratio and better repetable RT60 decay analysis,

Is this recommended or does it have any negative effect on the analysis?

Trying to measure and analyse without measuring too loud (75-8db)

(REW V5.31.3)
Попытка измерения и наблюдения, не слишком громкая (75–8 дБ) измерения.

(REW V5.31.3)
According to the standard, measurements are taken at a level of +10 dB from the noise level in the room. The noise level in a typical residential area is 40-45 dB, so a sound signal at a distance of 1 meter should create a sound pressure of at least 50-55 dB, at the same time, the noise spectrum in rooms increases in the region of 100 Hz - this must be taken into account when taking measurements.