.mic calibration file


Thread Starter
Aug 18, 2018
My LinearX M31 mic came with calibration files .mic and .MDF file extensions.
I used the .mic file in REW for many years.
Two days ago, I updated REW. Now it will not process either calibration file properly. The .mic file it will not recognize at all. The .MDF file gives a response with no highs.
One possibility is to try to convert the .mic file to a different format. Is that my best option? If so, how do I do that?
thanks for your help.
Is the .mic file just a text file?
The file format REW is looking for is here:

If it’s already in the right format you can try saving a copy and rename with a .txt or frd extension.
If you were able to use the .mic file previously I don't see why it would not be recognised. What do you mean by not recognised? By default REW looks for files with .txt, .dat or .cal extensions, but you can change the filter to "all files" to select others. Probably best attaching the files if you can't get them to work.
I tried to attach the files, but I don't this this site allows them. They are not supported types, I think.
The .mic format is a little odd as the frequency and response figures are on different lines. The .mdf file looks to be a proprietary LinearX format, but it is closer to being useable. Neither is especially spreadsheet friendly, but pasting the mdf file into Excel, using text to columns, deleting the index column, then exporting the frequency and gain columns as tab-delimited text gives something useable (attached).


Brilliant. It worked (as I'm sure you knew it would)!
BTW, if you don't mind, where is the switch to change from showing just one graph to showing all graphs? It is great to be able to focus on one, but it is also great to be able to put two on top of each other.
Many thanks!
Great! Thanks!
I sent a donation. For the future, does it make a difference to you whether the donation is credit card or paypal?
Thank you for the donation :)

Donations come through PayPal, I don't think how the payment is made to PayPal affects the fees.
You are welcome.
Thank you for your help.
And thank you for your wonderful program! I moved my Gradient 1.4 speakers to the corners and got flatter response.