Minimum phase or linear phase? When using both DSP crossover and TTD for driver time alignment


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Nov 24, 2020
Hi @juicehifi

When using both DSP crossover and TTD for driver time alignment - is minimum phase target curve and minimim phase XO ideal?
I only use the minimum phase XO if I need low latency. The linear phase XO (if you don't pick min phase XO), are much better performing filters.

As for a target, the mixed phase target at 50%/50% works well.
As for a target, the mixed phase target at 50%/50% works well.

I've never used the mixed phase target - only linear.

But I have read the pre-ringing of linear phase filters can create audible issues . Doesn't create such issues with XO ? This part I don't understand.

Does mixed phase only allow 50/50 % or configurable ?
The target designer page allows you to configure the percentage of minimum phase to linear phase.

I have not had problems with pre-ringing , but it can happen.
I recommend min phase target as a starter. From there you can experiment towards more linear phase in the bass. But overall we’re talking about details.

Thanks Bernt

Min phase for both XO and target target designer ?
Lin phase xo

Thanks Bernt.

When using TTD correction, this will use whatever target curve designer setting (min or lin phase) is selected right?

The XO setting (min or lin phase) is completely separate to TTD correction correct?