My Remote control for my HT equipment, and lighting journey


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Apr 17, 2017
San Miguel de Allende Mexico
Back in 2006 i found this nice Home Automation Software Company, and a user that was local to me who saw my interest in the software. He offered to get me up and running with the software, and asked if i would buy it if i liked it. I said yes, and so started my journey down the hole into graphic designing of my templates.I started with the templates made for me, and was told soon i would be making my own easily if i wished. I had Photoshop, but virtually zero experience in using it so i asked another person on the forum for assistance. He made some videos for me, and within a few weeks i was designing templates for everyone in the forum. Of course then a few years later i went through a divorce, sold the, and bought another house a couple of years later, and when i went to get back into the software with new equipment found that they had made so many changes i was having trouble getting it up and running again. Over the years i have tried to get back in, but kept getting farther behind. Now that almost 15 years later i am retired, and have the time, but not the money to pay for what i want in Automation hardware, i am back to CQC again.
Over the last few months i have been relentless at getting this back up and running, and i am finally making progress again. The software when I bought it was $200, and they still have a $200 version, but mine is over $3k now... so you can see why I want to get mine working right. I most likely would only need the beginning level now since i am not doing all the extra features the software will do, but hey i paid for the whole works i should at least use it for what i need.

First screen is my intro screen. The exit button is to exit full screen mode.

I am posting up 3 of the screens I have pretty much completed so far. I have more templates started, but i do not have the drivers yet for the devices i want to add. A friend of mine said he will give it a wack in CMl for me, and also try and teach me some so I can try it myself too.

The 2nd screen is with my center overlay for my you can see I do not have all the functions yet as i am trying to get more features in the driver. You can see in the display window at the top what audio mode i am listening to. The mode is actually telling you how many amplifier channels are currently on. I am doing this with Insteon Outdoor outlets. Each outlet powers a group of amps... Stereo means left and right, 5.1 means 5.1 channels of amplification, and so on. If i am listening to stereo and want 5.1... i just hit the 5.1 button, and it turns on the channels needed. Now it checks to see what amps are already on, and turns on or off the amps as necessary, this is one feature i like about IP control. I used to hate it when a IR remote would get out of sync, and turn on 1 device and turn off another because the other one was already on. When i want to turn off 5.1 (or any group), I just hit the button again, and it will turn off all amps, not just the center, surround, and sub.Now you might be wondering why the first screen shows Dune in the window while AVP is in the overlay...that is because the source on the AVp is not changed to display adjustments for the AVP.

Eventually I will have my Catalog of movies, music, etc...display on my tablet too.

The 3rd screen is for my Dune HD Pro player.

Feel free to make comments or suggestions on anything I am working on as I learn by other peoples comments on my designs.
Intro Screenshot.png
AVP Selected.png
Dune Control.png
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The UI on those looks great!!