Need Help in Interpreting REW outputs and treating my room.

Atul Lal

New Member
Thread Starter
Jun 9, 2018
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Main Amp
Sherbourne 12 Channel 45W
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Cambridge Audi
Other Speakers
Linkwitz LX521
I am new to this forum, and am rephrasing a question that may have been asked many times before.

The room in which my speakers are housed has terrible acoustic characteristics. There is echo, reverb and all the other ugly room resonances you can think of.

On the other hand, I have a sensational set of speakers. I built a set of LX521s a couple of year ago.

Now, in treating my room, I have 3 challenges:

1 I am new to REW and its interpretation, and some of the terminologies flummox me. I need to be able to logically interpret the charts and decide adequate treatment
2 In India, finding diffusers and absorbers to specification is a constraint. Importing from the US becomes an expensive, so I will have to innovate with materials locally
3 There is a shortage of expertise on acoustic treatment in India. People with expertise are peddling their own products, and that creates a conflict for me as the solutions are force fitted, not intrinsic to the problem at hand. I need experiences and gravitas to guide me.

So, my question is, have I come to the right place?
