Newbie question: starting with REW and MiniDSP, how to hook up on my Marantz stereo amp?


Thread Starter
Jan 20, 2025
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Marantz Cinema 40 surround receiver
Main Amp
Marantz model 30 stereo amp
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Marantz UD7007 universal player
Sumiko Moonstone
Front Speakers
B&W 702 S3
Center Channel Speaker
HTM72 S3
Surround Speakers
B&W 707 S3
Sony XR-77A84LAEP
Audioquest Rocket 22
Hi, long post. Hopefully someone can help me. Tried on other forums, but no luck yet.

I have no experience with REW yet, so have to get into that stuff. But before I start with that, I have to know if I can use the hardware I need. Hope I can get some help with selecting a good Minidsp device for my situation.

First my setup:
Stereo amplifier: Marantz model 30 (Integrated phono stage)
Speakers Front: B&W 702S3
Subwoofer: B&W DB4S
Turntable: Marantz TT-15S1
Cartridge Turntable: Sumiko Moonstone

Room: small (about 14 square meters)

The Model 30 stereo amp is connected via Pre out to a surround receiver.

Now, what I want is to measure the room acoustics to see where the issues are and treat the room consequently with panels, bass traps, etc. I already own a UMIK 2 microphone. I don't do anything with streaming or digital music listening, only LP's (analogue source). To install REW I need a MiniDSP as a device. The main question is: which type do I need (Flex / 2x4, etc) and how to connect this. Maybe important information: I use the integrated phono stage of the stereo amp.

I want to measure the room acoustics and after that import correction filters for front speakers and subwoofer integration (2.1).

Would this work:

• Analogue source (Turntabel) ➡️ Phono in connection of stereo amp
• pre-out L and R stereo amp ➡️ input 1 (L) and 2 (R) MiniDSP
• Output 1 and 2 MiniDSP ➡️ Line 1 in (L and R) amp (Note: can't use the Power amp in, already reserved for connection to AV receiver)
• Output 3 MiniDSP ➡️ Subwoofer phono in connection

So, what MiniDSP is right for me and how do I connect it?