Written and directed by visionary filmmaker Clive Barker (creator of Hellraiser) and based on his popular novel Cabal, the cult-classic film, NIGHTBREED, stars Craig Sheffer (Hellraiser: Inferno), Anne Bobby (Born on the Fourth of July), David Cronenberg (Director, Eastern Promises), Charles Haid (Hill Street Blues) and features a soundtrack by award-winning composer Danny Elfman.
Boone (Craig Sheffer) may be a troubled young man, but his troubles are just beginning. Set up as the fall guy in a string of slasher murders, he decides he'll hide by crossing the threshold that separates “us” from “them” and sneak into the forbidden subterranean realm of Midian. Boone will live among the monsters.
Hellraiser creator Clive Barker writes (adapting his novel Cabal) and directs this vivid leap into horror that asks: in the battle of man vs. monster, who's really the monster? The answer supplies flesh-crawling suspense, sudden fear, a colorful Danny Elfman score and a creepy array of shape-shifting beings. They are the Nightbreed, denizens of a world beyond death, beyond the imagination, perhaps beyond anything you've seen.
DISC 1: 4K UHD (Theatrical Cut)
- NEW 2023 4K scan of the best surviving film elements
- In Dolby Vision (HDR-10 Compatible)
- Audio Commentary with film critics Adrian J. Smith and David Flint
DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0. 5.1
DISC 2: Blu-Ray (Theatrical Cut)
- NEW 2023 4K scan of the best surviving film elements
- Audio Commentary with film critics Adrian J. Smith and David Flint
- Memories of Midian – an interview with actor Nicholas Vince
- Walking the Line Between Heaven and Hell – interview with critic Kat Ellinger
- Speaking Up for the Monsters – an interview with critic Kim Newman
- Theatrical Trailer
- DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, 5.1
DISC 3: Blu-Ray (Director’s Cut)
- Audio Commentary with writer director Clive Barker and restoration producer Mark Allan Miller
- Tribes of the Moon: The Making of NIGHTBREED – a 72-minute documentary on the production
- Making Monsters – a look at the special makeup effects
- Fire! Fights! Stunts! - a look at the second unit shoot
- DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, 5.1
DISC 4 – Bonus Disc (Blu-Ray):
Special Features:
- Deleted Scenes
- Monster Prosthetics Masterclass
- Cutting Compromise
- The Painted Landscape
- Matte Painting Tests
- Makeup Tests
- Stop Motion Lost Footage
- Rehearsal Test
- Still Galleries – sketches, deleted scene photos, poster and pre-production, on-the-set images.