Output / soundcard issue


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Nov 16, 2022
Dead all, I’m new here, thanks for accepting me! I after years I came back to REW for basic measurments. I did it already some of them.
I bought a new Dac gold note ds-10 andI’m trying to get a measurement butI got issue:

when I check levels, and when ai start the measure I get sound only by the R channel. On left channel there is no sound coming out. I tried with mac and windows.I use Asio4all v2 and a umik-1, several trials but nothing

ps. If I play something from the Pc I get sound from both channel. I have issue only inside rew

could someone help me?
Which channel have you selected in REW for output? May be worth posting screenshots of your REW soundcard preferences and Measure dialog.
I selected both, I mean, L for left channel measure and R for right channel, keeping R channel for reference for both the measurements.
I will sendyou ASAP pics
Try a measurement with L+R selected. Some DACs mute their output if they think there is no signal, but only test one of the input channels to decide whether there is a signal.
Thanks John, I will try that. But how could I solve that if it’s this the case? Other info I can give you is that if I use the refer sound in order to check distance btw speaker and LP, the measurement blocks at 1% as the mic doesn’t get the impulse
Hi all, below my settings.

1 and 2 pics the only parameters I changed after deleted all the settings
3 pic my measurements details.

John, if I use secondary output both channel works. Right channel alone works but left channel alone doesn t work when I try check levels


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That sounds like the muting problem I mentioned. You could try switching the timing reference to use the left channel, otherwise as a crude workaround you could use L+R and unplug the output you are not measuring, but that will be awkward for the timing reference. If you are able to contact Gold Note it would be worth finding out what they suggest. I can look at adding low level noise to the signals to stop DACs from muting, but that would need some investigation to make sure it can be added where it won't degrade the results.
I got some result in this way: I did measurement for R ch. and then I switched R with L line output from the dac in order to let REW think that I was using always R ch. The issue is that I did it with "no reference timing".
Now the convolution filter with inversion that I created seems to work quite good but for 44.1MQA. It works for 44.1 standard and 96 MQA, but with 44.1 MQA the sound is accelerated (about 10%). is that related to "no timing reference" mode or it´s something else?
thanks again for your support.
if it´s an issue of MUTING why only L channel doesn´t work and R channel yes, and why in check levels also? Futhermore, when I use timing reference on R channel it seems REW or MIC doesn´t recognize the reference sound
if it´s an issue of MUTING why only L channel doesn´t work and R channel yes, and why in check levels also? Futhermore, when I use timing reference on R channel it seems REW or MIC doesn´t recognize the reference sound
Do you hear the timing signal when it is on the R channel? As above, some DACs mute based on the content of only one of the input channels, for your DAC that may be the R channel. When you try and measure the left there is no signal on the R, so the DAC decides to mute both outputs.
When I check levels no, when I start measurement yes (from R) but it seems that MIC doesn´t hear it cause the measurement stop, waiting for timing signal
Now the convolution filter with inversion that I created seems to work quite good but for 44.1MQA. It works for 44.1 standard and 96 MQA, but with 44.1 MQA the sound is accelerated (about 10%). is that related to "no timing reference" mode or it´s something else?

Any idea about that?
If something is running at the wrong rate that would seem to be a problem with whatever you are using for convolution. Did you provide it with files for each of the sample rates you want to use?
If something is running at the wrong rate that would seem to be a problem with whatever you are using for convolution. Did you provide it with files for each of the sample rates you want to use?
I’m using roonand I provide it a zip file with filter for 44.1, 48, 88.8, 96, 192
Probably need to ask Roon, nothing you do with filtering should affect the playback speed of a file.

Regarding the DAC problem, I have added a "Fill silence with dither" option on the Measure dialog in the latest V5.20.14 early access build. Worth trying that.
Probably need to ask Roon, nothing you do with filtering should affect the playback speed of a file.

Regarding the DAC problem, I have added a "Fill silence with dither" option on the Measure dialog in the latest V5.20.14 early access build. Worth trying that.
I will ask ROON, I found the issue is only with 44.11 16bit MQA 44.1, with 24 bit no issue. If I set MQA "work" in roon no problem, otherwise in DAC, issue

Regarding DAC, I try that!!

thanks a lot