Paramount +: 1883

I watched the first two episodes that dropped today. I enjoyed it. Solid cast of characters. Billy Bob Thorton, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Tom Hanks etc. Looking forward too new episodes.
Is Paramount + free or there is a monthly subscription fee?
Monthly. I get Apple TV +, showtime, paramount + for $15 a month.
Great. So, it is a bundle package.. Is it worth getting?

Man, with all these subscriptions, it is like cable tv back in the day!
Great. So, it is a bundle package.. Is it worth getting?

Man, with all these subscriptions, it is like cable tv back in the day!

Paramount + is cbs all access rebranded. It’s 4.99 a month or $50 for a year. Like most these services you can sign up for the monthly watch what you want for a month or so, then cancel and turn back on later in the year to watch anything new.

The bundle deals you have to watch for if your interested.
Great. Thanks once again for all the details. Appreciate it. :)
I’m on board so far for the first 3 episodes. Mainly because I get P+ for free. I can see parts that need improvement. Sheridan loves to add a soap opera type feel to his shows at times and I can see the tilt on this one. I just hope it veers the other way. I love Sam Elliott!
This show started strong but has started to fade quickly for me. It’s a Taylor Sheridan cliche at best in my opinion. The number of times they rehash the same things over and over - for instance the troubles facing them on the road ahead - is unbearable. Throw in a little cheesy music and some overdone narration while we’re at it. And we’re 5 episodes in and they haven’t even left Texas yet! :sleep:

In a recent episode they left part of their group behind and a day later they could see smoke from said group a few hundred yards away. I think wagons can go a bit further than that in a day.

The one thing that really gets me though is that they’re trying to pass this off as 1883 and yet pretty much every character has perfect teeth.

I don’t know, maybe it’s because we were just finishing up watching one of the best shows all-time - The Wire - when we started this. Or maybe it’s because it truly is just shoddy work. But the IMDB ratings for this show are thru the roof so YMMV. I will give it one thing though, the cinematography is top shelf.
This show started strong but has started to fade quickly for me. It’s a Taylor Sheridan cliche at best in my opinion. The number of times they rehash the same things over and over - for instance the troubles facing them on the road ahead - is unbearable. Throw in a little cheesy music and some overdone narration while we’re at it. And we’re 5 episodes in and they haven’t even left Texas yet! :sleep:

In a recent episode they left part of their group behind and a day later they could see smoke from said group a few hundred yards away. I think wagons can go a bit further than that in a day.

The one thing that really gets me though is that they’re trying to pass this off as 1883 and yet pretty much every character has perfect teeth.

I don’t know, maybe it’s because we were just finishing up watching one of the best shows all-time - The Wire - when we started this. Or maybe it’s because it truly is just shoddy work. But the IMDB ratings for this show are thru the roof so YMMV. I will give it one thing though, the cinematography is top shelf.
You ever driven across Texas….it takes forever to get out of Texas and that’s by car . You can’t compare it to The Wire…completely different genre and style of film.
interesting.. speaking of Texas, on Amazon prime, I am watching Texas Rising.. So far so good.
Finished this yesterday and I’m happy we did. Not too sure about starting up season 2. The excruciatingly long diatribes were a huge minus to us.