Parenting should come with a license


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Jul 13, 2017
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Over the weekend, we got an amber alert on our smart devices due to a missing child in Dallas. See link here for the missing girl details.

Things like this makes me wonder how some folks can be parents? Of course, the biological reasons are there. But, I am thinking outside of that.. :)

In this case, the parents adopted a special needs girl and the girl refused to drink milk so at 3am, the father took her outside and told her to stand next to a tree that is 100 feet away from their house and he then went back into the house. After 15 min, he went to get the 3 year old child and she disappeared. At this point, he went back into the house and did laundry and decided to wait till after 8am to notify the police that the girl is nowhere to be found.


Makes me wonder..

To drive a car, you need a license to show you are able to drive safely.
To get a gun, you need a license to show that you know gun safety.
To be a parent, you need a license.. Take some parenting classes, etc.

What do you guys think?

And the 3 year old special needs child is still missing..
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That is seriously disturbing and suspect there. Special needs means just that... special needs, and what he did was totally unacceptable from where I stand. Take the one's he has away from him and don't give him anymore... he obviously has no clue. That was a foolish move for sure.
CPS (Child Protective Services) did take away the other child, who is a 4 year old girl from the family.

No other children belong to the parents. Just the missing special needs 3 year old girl and this other 4 year old girl who is now in foster care.

He is so far charged with endangering/abandoning a child and is free on bond...

This case is very disturbing to say the least..
He says he went inside and did laundry, hoping she would return.

During his interview, he mentioned that he saw coyotes in the alley where he left his daughter. The family's home also backs up to railroad tracks, he said.
Seriously? Sounds like he is guilty to me... whether he did something to her or not... he is guilty of anything happening to her by way of leaving her outside for the coyotes (if he even really saw any).
His story is full of red flags.. I along with most people don't people one cent what he is saying. Most likely did laundry possibly to clean up evidence?? (my guess here).
Hopefully the truth will come out now that the FBI is investigating..

Very sad case..

Which brings me to the topic..

Should folks have to pass a test and get a license to be parents?

You know, take so many hours of parent classes in terms of how to take care of children, etc.

Granted, this is not possible, having children is a natural God given right but I am just talking out loud.. :)
Hate seeing stories like this about missing kids..
Not sure that would have helped this guy though.
I guess it may not help in his case but maybe for others. (just thinking out loud)..

Parenting is tough and with a new/adopted baby or child, everything is harder..

And as each year passes, old problems go away and new problems emerge and unfortunately, lot of parents don't know how to handle the changes..
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Something doesn't sound right about his story.

Have they found the kid?
So far nothing on the kid.. The father was arrested on child neglect and he is now out on bond. FBI as well as local police are still investigating..
Sounds like a heartbreaking situation.

I can't imagine ever putting any of my kids in that kind of situation. I've spent their entire lives keeping them alive and teaching them how to survive.. how to be good solid people. The scenario this guy is describing is just unfathomable.
That is why, I am thinking all new parents and possibly existing parents should attend some type of parenting class..

Taking care of babies is tough of course and toddlers often times don't listen, have tantrums, etc..

Parents need to know to walk away before things escalate.
Interesting is that both the mother and the father have separate attorneys now. The mother is "distraught" according to her attorney.
A reporter tried asking why the mother didn't go and join the search party. He declined to answer.
Just to update..

Sad news. .Body of a 3 year old female child was found near the home of this missing 3 year old special needs girl. Most likely per the police, it is the same girl. At this time, they can't confirm 100% since the coroner office has to do official report and then can they only verify. CNN reports..