Allan S
New Member
- Preamp, Processor or Receiver
- PS Audip Gain Cell DAC
- Main Amp
- PS Audio M1200
- Additional Amp
- NAD T758
- Streaming Equipment
- Bluesound Vault 2i
- Front Speakers
- Philharmonic Audio BMR
- Center Channel Speaker
- Revel Concerta C10
- Surround Speakers
- Revel Concerta M8
- Other Speakers
- Spatial Audio M4 Saphire
Hello. I'm new to AV NIRVANA and REW. As mentioned in my intro post I'm a bit of data/analysis geek but have minimal audio analysis experience. I'm hoping to lean on REW to help flesh out an asymmetrical 2 channel space carved out of a bonus room / office as seen in the attached image. To get started I'd very much appreciate some help with a few basic set up questions.
I have REW downloaded to a desktop PC running Windows 11 Pro (comp specs below) in the shared space. I've read the REW Help contents a few times and played around a bit checking levels and making measurements with the NAD cal mic and computer speakers. But there's a lot to digest so my eyes glaze over pretty quickly and I seem to forget as much as I learn.
I have a calibration mic from a 5 year old NAD T758 running an ancient version of DIRAC (DIRAC LIVE Pro 2018 (Download file: DLCT_NADFull-Windows-1.2.37)). The mic has an 18' lead, which will reach the primary listening position but I don't have the original mic cal file.
The first question is can I use this old mic without the original cal file or should I purchase a UMIK-1? If UMIK-1 is the answer I'll need a 15' USB extension cable to reach the primary listening position. Will this extra length affect the mic calibration?
My second question concerns connecting the PC to my PS Audio Gain Cell DAC/preamp. I have an old Nuforce DAC hooked up to a USB A port on the computer. I can run either a RCA stereo pair from the Nuforce DAC to a Gain Cell preamp analog input or a USB cable from a computer USB A port to the Gain Cell DAC USB B port. Which is the better option? An advantage to using the RCA stereo pair is I already have the cable but a cable is inexpensive if USB to USB is preferred.
The last question has to do with a sound card cal file. It's not clear to me if a sound card cal file is needed if connecting computer USB to Gain Cell DAC USB. My understanding is the USB out bypasses the computer DAC but is that the same as bypassing the sound card? I assume that the Gain Cell DAC being part of the system is captured in the measurements so calibrating isn't necessary. If using the Nuforce DAC I assume I'd need a cal file, which I don't have.
I'm a relative newbie to audio analysis. As mentioned, I've read the REW help and played around some quite honestly the set up and many different considerations covered in the Help are a bit intimidating for this newbie. So my desire is to get the best results with the least amount of complications. I'll dig deeper as I gain experience but to start I'd rather not have to consider things like interface and SPL calibrations.
Thank you
I have REW downloaded to a desktop PC running Windows 11 Pro (comp specs below) in the shared space. I've read the REW Help contents a few times and played around a bit checking levels and making measurements with the NAD cal mic and computer speakers. But there's a lot to digest so my eyes glaze over pretty quickly and I seem to forget as much as I learn.
I have a calibration mic from a 5 year old NAD T758 running an ancient version of DIRAC (DIRAC LIVE Pro 2018 (Download file: DLCT_NADFull-Windows-1.2.37)). The mic has an 18' lead, which will reach the primary listening position but I don't have the original mic cal file.
The first question is can I use this old mic without the original cal file or should I purchase a UMIK-1? If UMIK-1 is the answer I'll need a 15' USB extension cable to reach the primary listening position. Will this extra length affect the mic calibration?
My second question concerns connecting the PC to my PS Audio Gain Cell DAC/preamp. I have an old Nuforce DAC hooked up to a USB A port on the computer. I can run either a RCA stereo pair from the Nuforce DAC to a Gain Cell preamp analog input or a USB cable from a computer USB A port to the Gain Cell DAC USB B port. Which is the better option? An advantage to using the RCA stereo pair is I already have the cable but a cable is inexpensive if USB to USB is preferred.
The last question has to do with a sound card cal file. It's not clear to me if a sound card cal file is needed if connecting computer USB to Gain Cell DAC USB. My understanding is the USB out bypasses the computer DAC but is that the same as bypassing the sound card? I assume that the Gain Cell DAC being part of the system is captured in the measurements so calibrating isn't necessary. If using the Nuforce DAC I assume I'd need a cal file, which I don't have.
I'm a relative newbie to audio analysis. As mentioned, I've read the REW help and played around some quite honestly the set up and many different considerations covered in the Help are a bit intimidating for this newbie. So my desire is to get the best results with the least amount of complications. I'll dig deeper as I gain experience but to start I'd rather not have to consider things like interface and SPL calibrations.
Thank you