Ported Dayton PA465s-8 Subwoofer

Matthew J Poes

AV Addict
Thread Starter
Oct 18, 2017
well this is really an after the fact as I built the enclosure a long while back and only got the driver a few weeks ago. I finally installed it for testing so I figure some pics are in order.

The enclosure is one of the DIYSG 5 cubic foot ported enclosures tuned to 19hz and cut for an 18" driver. This is typically used with a Dayton RS18HO sub, not a pro driver like I used. The pro drivers advantage is that it's motor is stronger, power handling higher, Xmax the same, and overall efficiency is much higher other than at the lowest frequencies. With a little EQ and room gain it will have a fine response in room. All the while using a lot less power under most circumstances and a bit lower distortion at the upper end of its response. I've wanted to do something like this for a while but didn't have time or room until now.

Before people ask, no I won't be doing 4 of these. I couldn't fit 4 of these.

The only thing I did out of the ordinary with the enclosure is I used a modern polymer adhesive that has visco-elastic properties but a very high bond strength. The front baffle is 2 layers of MDF adhered with this meaning it is well damped. This isn't usually important in a sub enclosure but damping is good to avoid problems with the wall resonances if the sub operates up into that range.

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Another PA465 success story :T

Yeah the original plan was a B&C DS115 series 18, but my source fell through. I couldn't stomach the $475 for the driver. I was offered a good discount too, but still more than I wanted to spend.

That's ok, at $180 this is a heck of a driver. I certainly wish it was a little different with a little more excursion and a higher power handling, but it's pretty nice for what it is.
You can always buy a pair of the Daytons for the price of the BC. AND you can always upgrade down the road. I tend to like pro audio drivers verse HT drivers for my <80hz. To me they sound better.

I have looked at the BC's also but always veered towards the 18TBW100 mainly for value. BUT none of the BC (PS100 included) were anywhere near the Dayton price. If trying to maximise SPL in the same space maybe then I would look at the more expensive models from BC and the BMS 18N862 monster.
You can always buy a pair of the Daytons for the price of the BC. AND you can always upgrade down the road. I tend to like pro audio drivers verse HT drivers for my <80hz. To me they sound better.

I have looked at the BC's also but always veered towards the 18TBW100 mainly for value. BUT none of the BC (PS100 included) were anywhere near the Dayton price. If trying to maximise SPL in the same space maybe then I would look at the more expensive models from BC and the BMS 18N862 monster.

Yeah it's my preference as well and I feel the same way.

I used to get B&C at cost but the person I got them through retired and so I couldn't keep getting the deal. I have three 12TBX100's that I paid something like $125 each for. They are in Bandpass sub boxes that Geddes designed but the ports are too small. My plan is to design new boxes for them myself since they will make great midbass type subs. I'm currently using a pair of those Bandpass boxes and the 18 and it's not even funny how quick those subs run out of steam before the 18. The 12's can keep up above 40hz so I just need to redo the boxes. They actually weigh more each than the Dayton 18. I can't figure out what Dayton did but it's suprisignly light weight.