Prime: The Rings of Power


AV Addict
Thread Starter
Apr 4, 2017
Empire, MN
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Pioneer VSX-832
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Definitive Technology Studio Monitor 55s
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Definitive Technology CS8040
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Definitive Technology DI6.5R
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Apple TV 4K
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Logitech Harmony 650
We watched the first episode last night. Outstanding visually and an interesting story so far.
I am curious so will wait a bit. I like to binge watch it. :)
Really enjoying it. Impressive visuals, excellent sound, interesting characters, plot keeps moving along.
I'm only half way into the first episode. It's a little slow going but I heard it speeds up. I'm definitely going to keep watching.
Tried it. All respect to the crew - audio & camera - it is a gorgeous production and sounds fantastic. It's just not my thing. Ten minutes in my mind was already wandering. I watched the first episode, couldn't tell you a thing that happened except that one kid was a real knucklehead when they were little kids. I'm out.
I’ve seen the 1st three. @Grayson Dere , the story and characters are developing and it’s starting to move along a little quicker as you heard. I remember parts of the trilogy and hobbit movies seeming really slow too. Still loved ‘em in the end, so I’ll hope the pace continues to quicken and finish the season.
Seems to be pretty good thus far, albeit a little slow developing for sure.
I just finished up the 3rd episode and I'm actually looking forward to more! Something interesting I found out today was that Rings of Power is actually not adapted from any of Tolkien's books or writings.
I just finished up the 3rd episode and I'm actually looking forward to more! Something interesting I found out today was that Rings of Power is actually not adapted from any of Tolkien's books or writings.

from theguardian,

Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey, who is supervising the show’s development, told German fansite Deutsche Tolkien that the [Tolkien] estate has refused to allow the series to be set during any period other than the Second Age of Middle-earth. This means Amazon’s adaptation will not cross over at all with events from the Third Age, which were dramatised in Peter Jackson’s Oscar-winning trilogy in which the hobbit Frodo Baggins journeys to destroy the One Ring.

Shippey said that Amazon “has a relatively free hand” to add details since Tolkien did not flesh out every detail of the Second Age in his appendices or Unfinished Tales, a collection of stories published posthumously in 1980.
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Something interesting I found out today was that Rings of Power is actually not adapted from any of Tolkien's books or writings.
I view that as a good thing. Never was a fan of his other books. The Silmarillion really turned me off on him.
Finally got around to the second episode of this series last night. We watched after watching episodes 2 & 3 of the House of Dragon. This series/production/cinematography is on a different level than the GoT series in our opinions. Everything is done a lot better than HoD. And this second episode kept moving along quickly as well. Definitely hooked on this one!
Finally got around to the second episode of this series last night. We watched after watching episodes 2 & 3 of the House of Dragon. This series/production/cinematography is on a different level than the GoT series in our opinions. Everything is done a lot better than HoD. And this second episode kept moving along quickly as well. Definitely hooked on this one!

The gap is getting wider. 6th episode of house of the dragon was just weird.
The gap is getting wider. 6th episode of house of the dragon was just weird.
We put HoD on hold for a bit and just watched RoP this week. We're thru 4 episodes and they all have been really good so far.
IMDB ratings:
8.6 House of the Dragon.
6.9 The Rings of Power

No accounting for taste. Mine apparently.
IMDB ratings:
8.6 House of the Dragon.
6.9 The Rings of Power

No accounting for taste. Mine apparently.
The well was poisoned before RoP even came out by GoT fanatics. That is one set of ratings that you cannot trust on IMDB.
Season 2 comes out on August 29th. Three episodes will be dropped that night with the remaining five dropping weekly.
Started season 2 of this last night with the first 3 episodes. So far I'd say it's much more enjoyable than House of Dragons.