Pro-Ject VC-E Record Cleaner

Travis Ballstadt

Thread Starter
Jul 26, 2017
Seattle, WA
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Anthem AVM60
Main Amp
Emotiva BasX 5
Additional Amp
Emotiva UPA-500
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Kaleidescape Strato C/Terra 48TB/Compact Terra 6TB
Streaming Equipment
PLEX Server, AppleTV4K, Bluesound Node2i
Streaming Subscriptions
AppleTV+, Amazon Prime, HBO Max
Front Speakers
NextLevel Acoustics Reference Cinema
Center Channel Speaker
NextLevel Acoustics Reference Cinema
Surround Speakers
NextLevel Acoustics Reference Cinema
Front Height Speakers
NextLevel Acoustics Angled Satellite
Rear Height Speakers
NextLevel Acoustics Angled Satellite
SVS SB2000 x2
SeymourAV Proscenium 124” diagonal 2.40:1
Video Display Device
JVC DLA X790R, Lumagen Radiance Pro 4240
Remote Control
Unfolded Circle Remote 2, powered by HomeAssistant
Satellite System
They still have those?
Other Equipment
Rega Planar 6, Rega Exact2 cart, Rega Aria Mk3 Phono Stage, Jolida JD202BRC, Rega RS-5 Speakers (2-channel system)
Just set up a Pro-Ject VC-E cleaner today. Have always wanted a nice cleaner but couldn’t justify the higher priced models. This comes in at $399, it’s a nice aluminum build, solid and sturdy, and it does a great job. I’ve only done a few tests, with some budget bin records I picked up awhile back. Ran them through a Spin Clean and played first. Still lots of crackles and pops. Cleaned with the Pro-Ject and they sound almost like new.
I am a huge fan of the budget bins, so this is a really nice purchase for me. A really solid middle ground between the manual cleaners and the top of the line automatics. I’ll do a more in-depth review once I’ve had more of a chance to run albums through it.