Reasonably Priced Acoustic Diffuser

I am looking for acoustic diffusers but most seem extremely expensive for what they are. I found these panels on Amazon. I was curious if anyone has used them or has a recommendation for something that works good but is affordable. View attachment 49787
I’m hoping you getgood info. I also need absorption and diffusion panels.
I’m hoping you getgood info. I also need absorption and diffusion panels.
I haven’t had a chance to measure yet. Plus I will need to figure out how to do it. I am not an REW expert. Planning on ordering 2 more corner bass traps this week.
You can def save a good amount of money by building them yourself. Years ago I lived in an apartment and I went to a carpentry shop and had them cut all the proper size pieces out of Birch Plywood to make my own RPG style diffusers (the plans are available on the internet and some magazine articles with the info needed to calculate the wells for specific frequencies. Once I had all the pieces cut, I took them home and assembled them...pretty easy to assemble with a few clamps, some glue and screws and or nails. For absorptive panels they are even easier to make and will only cost you about $25 each to make with the Acoustic material (if you go with GOM) being the most expensive part.
You can def save a good amount of money by building them yourself. Years ago I lived in an apartment and I went to a carpentry shop and had them cut all the proper size pieces out of Birch Plywood to make my own RPG style diffusers (the plans are available on the internet and some magazine articles with the info needed to calculate the wells for specific frequencies. Once I had all the pieces cut, I took them home and assembled them...pretty easy to assemble with a few clamps, some glue and screws and or nails. For absorptive panels they are even easier to make and will only cost you about $25 each to make with the Acoustic material (if you go with GOM) being the most expensive part.

Yes! Like this one I built!

So I had a professional come in and calibrate my TV and audio (ChadB). He said my treatments were ok. I just had to move the side panels to the reflection points. He also recommended that I lower my surrounds to the same height as my towers. Other than that it sounds much better. Atmos and surrounds are clearer. Bass has more of a tactical response. Pretty happy so far. I need to rewatch a lot of movies to see and hear the changes.
Here are the before and after measurements.

Nice. Did going from a spread in spl of generally +/- 10dB to a spread of 1/2 that or less result in a more cohesive surround sound experience?
Seems better. I need to do some more listening to know for sure. I may tweak the low end up a bit.
Wow, that’s a huge difference, measurement-wise. Congrats!

Looks like you LFE is similar, but just toned down in the dB department?
The original increased output on the low end was my doing. I adjusted it up on the low end after seeing some other people on YouTube. Probably adjusted it too high.

He also had to make some adjustments to the 12” subs that aren’t as capable as the 18”. The 12’s cut off during times of high output or deep bass. The 12’s just aren’t in the same league as the 18” Rythmik. I mentioned to him that I may get another 18 and he recommended that I take the 2 12’s and put them directly behind the seats to aid in the tactical response. I like that idea just have to convince the wife.
No harm in boosting the bass. It's really a personal preference. I like to run mine a little hot!

Not surprised your 12 inchers are the limiting factor. You definitely should go with the 18 when the budget allows for it. In all honesty, I think you'd be better off selling the 12s and using that money to rig up DIY Bass shakers in the seating. Your wife will love it because she won't see it, you'll love it because you get some extra kick!

Here's a write up I did for Aperion Audio a few years ago.

You can buy the AuraSound shakers and a 50Hz low pass filter from Parts Express for around $100... or if you want, they sell kits with an amp for $250-ish (for two) or around $400 (for 4). They're great. I have 6 installed on 5 seats and love'm. Perfect add-on!
Thanks for the info! I will have to look into that. She would love it if I removed some speakers.