Reducing file sizes


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Sep 8, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
"Simple" home-made amps./speakers; in-/outdoor.
For my purpose (in- and outdoor sound transmission and scattering research) the minimal file size of 128k points per sweep is much too large. Is there a way to reduce this number of points (typ. 8k would suit me fully), while retaining (!) the sweep duration?
Interested in any response.
The sweep duration is the length times the sample interval, but from your comment about retaining the duration I'm guessing it is the resolution of the results that may be of concern rather than the excitation? Can you explain what you would like to see reduced? Is it the results file size or the resolution of some of the data or something else?
The sweep duration is the length times the sample interval, but from your comment about retaining the duration I'm guessing it is the resolution of the results that may be of concern rather than the excitation? Can you explain what you would like to see reduced? Is it the results file size or the resolution of some of the data or something else?
Very good remark! Of course the mentioned 128 k datapoints refers to the number of samples taken at the defined sample rate. And the sample rate is imperative if high-frequencies are to be accomodated. My "file-size-issue" relates to the resolution obtained/displayed in the transfer function SPL(f). It is that file that commonly does not need to be so high-resolution, as nature does not tend to produce such extremely narrow spectral features (and IF it does the external excitation commonly is so "wide"band that they will not get excited). So, for me anything (selectable) between 512 and 4096 (or the like) would suffice.
Hope this clarifies my question?
Doesn't smoothing the response address that? you can set a default smoothing to be applied for new measurements in the Analysis preferences. If you are exporting the results the export dialog provides a resolution control.
John, mea culpa,
indeed, the smoothing just acts in the way you suggest and as I need: with 1/6 octave smoothing I end up with some 160 points: perfect! For one reason or the other I had in mind that this output file was NOT reduced in length if the smoothing was switched on; but, it does!
Thank you again, and sorry for puting a load on your time! I should think just a bit more before sending out an SOS.