Reflection On my Left Right Measurement But not on Right or Left


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Nov 6, 2019
In my Left Right measurement there is a strong reflection at about 1.6 ms then two more at around 2.2ms but when measuring left and right seperately I dont get this reflection. What could it be...?

Just would like to understand what is going on.

Left right.jpg


  • left.jpg
    68.5 KB · Views: 8
That's not a reflection, it is the other speaker. When the mic is not exactly the same distance from each speaker the different arrival times produce two peaks. Measuring both speakers together is of little relevance, bar at low frequencies when both speakers together may not excite a modal resonance that is excited by either individually.
That's not a reflection, it is the other speaker. When the mic is not exactly the same distance from each speaker the different arrival times produce two peaks. Measuring both speakers together is of little relevance, bar at low frequencies when both speakers together may not excite a modal resonance that is excited by either individually.

I knew the answer was simple but for an amatuer we don't know these things. Apprecaite it!

I am aware of only measuring both speakers to understand waterfall plots for modal resonances which get excited when both are measured together. I just could'nt understand why something was showing with left right when it wasnt there when measured seperately.