REW measured THD question / possible feature request

Olen Rasp

New Member
Thread Starter
May 7, 2019
Is it possible to plot THD in percentage on a linear y-scale? So far I can only plot percentage in a log scale. Also is it possible to plot two different THD plots simultaneously? I often find it useful to plot two THD plots on a linear scale when comparing different speaker implementations to look for less obvious differences.
This is great! Thank you John!

One issue I noticed is that when I toggle the 'Use harmonic frequency as ref' check box on the Overlays Distortion plot it didn't switch back and forth, I realized changing one distortion plot (standard or overlays) changes both (which makes sense). If I go to the standard distortion plot window I needed to uncheck the 'plot harmonics as the harmonic frequency box' for the toggle in the Overlays window to work.

Again not a major issue, just wanted to post this in case somebody else encounters the same issue.

I'm using v5.31.1 Pro

Thanks again!