REW measurement results and interpretation help


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Jan 23, 2020
Hey everyone,

I've attached my .mdat file from REW and wanted some assistance with interpreting the data and any recommendations on room treatment?

Any help will be appreciated,



Hi Gorgig,

could you give more info about your room and speakers and what you try to acheve?

From my first analysis I would say you are using some kind of studio monitoring setup due to the HF roll-off (small Genelecs?). The dips in the 600 Hz and 1kHz suggest that there is a desk between the ref mic and the speakers. The room modes are very moderate. No problem there.

Critical is the RT60 in your room. The room seems to be very very well damped. The RT60 is well below the minimum suggested value of 200ms-400ms. So probably sounds rather dead.
Hi pklose

It's a production room for mainly EDM style music. I am not sure why there is a roll off for the HF, I posted a calibration for my soundcard, RME Fireface 800 and another user mentioned this and asked if I had an EQ on the mix but no there is nothing so I am not sure what this is about?

Setup is HS80m, and yes a desk is there, I find mixes are a bit 'knocky' (ive attached audio file as an example of a production)...…

What is the RT60 about?

Any help will greatly be appreciated and thank you for the reply :D
Sorry to add again but it feels like the track is missing some high end? which in the production room sounds fine but translates without the high end?
there must be something with the forum posts... just type https:// before this...
wow this is sounding ridiculous lol so sorry....
I cannot access the file on soundcloud. The RT60 is the time it takes until the sound energy is decayed to a 1000th part (-60 dB) of the initial energy. I would not worry so much about the HF roll-off. This is common with studio monitors. It would make you tired if would be perfectly flat up til 20 kHz. Do you have acoustic treatment applied and/or a lot of curtains and carpets. If so, start by removing the carpet and some of the broadband absorption until you have a RT60 (7th tab in REW) of at least 200ms between 200 Hz and 4 kHz.
Now I can access the mix. Well, the mix is obviously the negative of your room response. You mixed against it. The mix misses clarity in the upper mids and presence. The Brillance (10kHz+) is fine.
This is a similar style... done professionally... https://

which is in E, which is super low but I feel has a better balance and 'thump' than what I've sent through..

in regards to room treatment.... basically all bass traps... which also act as broadband and high (see images) and exactly what you said about mids and presence is true...

What are your thoughts? I thought I needed more treatment haha....

But I think the low end of this mix is sitting tight.. maybe a bit too punchy but tight?

Thank you again, it is such a relief to talk somebody..


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Hey sure, I know room acoustics is utterly confusing - I was so puzzled after my first measurements.

The blue is cool. Are all the traps DIY? It seems, you have overdamped your room. I would slowly start by removing the absorber under the keyboard and the ones were the headphones are lying on -> make a measurement and compare to status quo. Then the smaller ones in the corners -> measure and compare RT60. Plan of action down below.

What are the room dimensions without the treatment?


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I have attached a plan of the room, it is very irregular....

OK, I actually just put these in a few days ago.... and yes all traps are DIY.

In regards to everything you circled... they are all new...
I have attached a mix/production I done before they were installed.

https: //


The room measures are unfortunately too irregular for a an easy forecast of the room behavior. But the tilted roof is a very good prerequisite.

When you see the first results, remove panels in the back and measure after each step. Be aware that results are sometimes unlogical. It can happen that you remove panels and expect the RT60 to go down but instead it goes up.

If you want to further increase playback quality you could calculate a compensation filter with REW or use Sonarworks.
B&K measured the room/speaker response which listeners actually hear. Sonarworks repeated the research and the curve remains essentially the same 50 years later. I believe to mix for these people we need to monitor using the same aggregated tonality. A Zone Without Reflections will lack the Bass Boom of normal rooms. Also it will have extraordinary clarity due to the lack of HF destructive early reflections. Dead Tight Too Bright, tonally, but with great clarity for listening into the Mix. Mixes done in such a tonality will inevitably be dull. You have the evidence. Removing treatment would reinstate room tone, which would be self defeating. Keep the anechoic benefits, but apply the Bruel and Kjaer curve using Monitor Eq or the controls on your speakers, or both. The Bass boost part of B&K can often be achieved by moving the speakers to almost touching the Front Wall.
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Hey everyone,

Thanks for the replies and help. I have implemented sonarworks and applied the B&K curve and taken away two of the bottom traps. I will see how the mixes translate. Cheers