REW stopped measureing


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Aug 3, 2017
Windows 10 [latest upgrade] Rew latest ver. Was working almost as a plug and play---- Now it stopped , when I start at - CHECK LEVEL - no matter what I change I get ---LEVEL IS LOW - - -96.7db or higher but not enough . Read through the GETTING STARTED PRIMER to no avail. I"m a newbie for sure , but I think all the playback and record options are ok????? thanks Harold
Can you post a screenshot of your REW soundcard preferences, Harold? What soundcard are you using and what mic?
Yes , sorry for the lack of information. A UMIk-1 with the 90 deg calibration file. sound card is Realtek H.D. [ windows 10]
Check that the USB connector is pushed firmly into the back of the mic, it needs a very firm press to seat it correctly. To have -96 dB input levels either the mic isn't properly connected, the input volume is muted (in Windows) or another input was selected when doing the test, the UMIK can't produce levels that low.
John Thank you so much for taking your time. The problem was a muted recording level, that little icon. Thanks again Harold