REW Topt Question

mike w

Thread Starter
Jun 28, 2017
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
classe' audio model four
Main Amp
classe' audio model seventy
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
marantz sa8005 sacd
Front Speakers
sonus faber Cremona auditor m
Front Height Speakers
Hi AV NIRVANA Team: I’ve been trying to flatten my Topt curve with little success. I had read somewhere that an arching curve shape is indicative of an empty room. I’ve added some furniture (see URL) to my living/listening room but it did not change things.

My house has an open floor plan so it’s hard to say what the effective room size is. Anyway, I’m not concerned about the absolute time although my goal was to get to 500 ms. My concern is the curvature. 1) Is my understanding of the Topt curvature correct? 2) Any suggestions short of turning my house into a recording studio?



  • Sonus Faber at listening position.jpg
    Sonus Faber at listening position.jpg
    57.6 KB · Views: 57
What have you been doing to improve your Topt? 500mS is pretty lively. The EBU recommendation for Critical Listening Spaces is 200mS broadband, rising to 400mS at LF
Thanks for checking in DD. My understanding is that RT60 is a function of room volume. My room is 6K ft^3 minimum with openings to hall, upstairs, & family room. So, I would never expect it to achieve 200 ms.

I've added furnishings (2 large plants, a rug, a painting and a lounge chair) and two wall diffusors. Those changes haven't moved the needle on Topt. If those changes are reasonable but insufficient, then that's OK. I can call it good enough with the constraints that I have. If it's necessary to cover 30% of the surface area with treatment, that is never going to happen.

I know in the past you have recommended an acoustic wall board treatment but that one is unlikely as well although more within the realm of possibilities. That specific one was a Euro product and I wasn't sure how to source or cost it in the USA.

That Caruso Isobond is an amazing product, requiring no framing nor fabric. Ideal DIY and a great performer. Autex ditto. Many countries seem to be doing Polyester now, but not the USA. I thoroughly recommend RealTraps and GIK. Ceiling hung traps with lighting incorporated can look really good and take up no living space. 20-30% absorption causes a 'noticeable' difference. I would sell those diffusors and buy some absorption. DD
Thanks. I had to repair dry wall in that room after repairing an upstairs plumbing leak. I'll check into the Isobond or Autex. Still haven't painted it yet so, there could be a change order being worked into the job with no one the wiser ;-)
By all means search for Poly or other products. But RealTraps and GIK are American and Great! Sorry.... more importantly, available, good looking, fire certified.
Worth nothing perhaps that Leather clad couches and chairs reflect HF, as do glass fronted pictures and paintings.