REW Beta Release REW V5.19 beta 10

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Thread Starter
Apr 3, 2017
V5.19 beta 10 is now available in the downloads area, I'm aiming for this to be the last 5.19 beta - 5.18 is pretty old now so an update to the release version is overdue. Here is a bit more info on some of the changes in this build.

24-bit data is now supported where the JVM makes it available (currently macOS and probably Linux)

REW now checks whether the Java runtime and the currently selected audio interface can support 24-bit audio data. This works fine on macOS, and should also work on Linux. The Windows JRE still only supports 16-bit data, but ASIO drivers provide access to higher bit depths on Windows. This option is mainly of interest for measuring electronics, 16-bit data remains more than sufficient for acoustic measurements.

Added 176.4, 352.8 and 384 kHz to the sample rates allowed for ASIO

The sample rates offered for ASIO now go up to 384 kHz if the driver supports that. Again, aimed at measuring electronics, no relevance for acoustic measurements.

Allow generator to continue running if ASIO output selection is changed - audio will be interrupted briefly, however

This change makes it a bit quicker and easier to swap between ASIO outputs when using the signal generator, when checking levels, for example.

Added a dBc axis option for the RTA (dB relative to carrier, mainly used to present data relative to the level of the fundamental tone in the signal)

This is an additional axis option for the RTA, making it easier to view levels relative to the peak level in the signal which would typically be a sine wave when looking at harmonic distortion and noise levels.

The delay figure with acoustic timing reference now uses the Estimate IR Delay process (cross correlation with minimum phase response) for better results with measurements that do not have HF content (mids or woofers)

The acoustic timing reference has been using the position of the peak of the measured IR relative to the correlation peak of the timing signal to provide its delay figures, but that has difficulties for measurements which have negative peaks close to the level of the positive peak (tweeters, for example) or which have little high frequency bandwidth, meaning their peak is delayed relative to the IR start even though the overall signal is not. Using a method derived from that used in the Estimate IR Delay process should provide more consistent delay figures.

Added an option to allow/disallow narrow filters below 200 Hz when matching to target

This is aimed at those using the EQ target match for purposes other than tackling modal resonances, such as headphone EQ. Modal resonances are very narrow and require sharp filters, but such filters are generally not appropriate for general EQ purposes. If narrow filters are not allowed REW will not use a Q above 5 (using the Generic equaliser Q definition).

Added an option to use IEC263 25 dB/decade aspect ratio when capturing graph images

The aspect ratio and vertical scaling of a frequency response plot can dramatically alter the perceived flatness of the response or the perceived steepness of response roll-offs. The IEC tackled that back in the '80s with standard IEC 263, which provided options for how the number of pixels in the vertical span for a given dB range should match the number of pixels for a frequency decade (the span from 100 Hz to 1 kHz, for example). One of the options which works well for full range (20 Hz to 20 kHz) responses is for the vertical span covered by 25 dB to match the horizontal span of one frequency decade, so the graph image capture now has an option to scale captured images to meet that.

Added a Tone Burst option to the signal generator

I've added a tone burst signal to the generator, consisting of a configurable number of cycles of a sine wave followed by a period of silence. It is a little like the CEA2010 burst, but that is fixed at 6.5 cycles and has an overall Hann window applied, the tone burst option has no windowing (or a rectangular window if you prefer). The burst can be a one-off or repeated, if repeated the interval between bursts is chosen to make it easy to view the response on the RTA.

There are a few other changes which I don't think need much explanation, but if you'd like to know more about them just ask in this thread.
  • Only stop the generator after SPL calibration if the generator was started by REW
  • Added a colour scheme for spectrograms and waterfalls based on Dave Green's cubehelix, see
  • Added a warning to check mic access is allowed in Windows Privacy settings if the input is not accessible
  • Changed graph image capture to render the graph directly at the chosen width rather than scaling from the current width
  • The Nimbus look and feel places the file chooser focus on the directory selector instead of the file name field, added a workaround for that
  • Added options to normalise, apply window and export min phase version to the export impulse response as text dialog
  • Updated the impedance measurement setup images to make it clearer that outputs and inputs are from the same device
  • Expanded the RT60 graph help

As ever, a few bugs have also been fixed:
  • Bug fix: Aborting measurement for exceeding SPL limit should not apply to impedance measurements
  • Bug fix: Acoustic timing ref would be one channel out if using Java drivers with a multi-channel output and the ref output wasn't left or right
  • Bug fix: Spectrogram top level could get set to an incorrect value when changing measurements
  • Bug fix: Starting phase for signal generator linear or log sweeps was not reset to zero for each new sweep (did not affect measurement sweeps)
  • Bug fix: The level of custom filtered pink noise was affected by the low and high cut filter frequencies even if the filters were disabled
Hi John,

Maybe a little annoyance regarding "Levels" tool in this beta10.
On my setup : at first attempt, selecting "Levels" leads to high cpu and lags/unresponsiveness during 1 minute. I finally managed to close it.
"Levels" window showed (not responding).

REW was just launched. No measurements were made. Java drivers. No device selected.
Other attempts exhibit high cpu, but I managed to close the windows after few seconds.

Arnaud, I think this could occur if the device that had previously been selected is no longer available. If the Soundcard Preferences show the Input Device as blank it could trigger the problem you saw, it can be fixed by selected the devices (even default device) before using Levels or attempting to measure.

Edit: I have put a workaround in the next build.
Indeed it could be that, because I use a laptop and the soundcard is not always connected.
edit : I confirm the device list is blank

As you requested the OS is Windows 10.
Here are the logs (the exception only appears once). With other attempts, there is nothing after jasiohost.dll

juil. 15, 2018 5:12:37 PM roomeqwizard.RoomEQ_Wizard main
INFO: REW V5,19 Beta 10 running JRE 1.8.0_171 32-bit on Windows 10
juil. 15, 2018 5:12:40 PM com.synthbot.jasiohost.AsioDriver <clinit>
INFO: Loaded jasiohost.dll
Exception in thread "Thread-7" Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
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This may not be unique to this build ( since I rarely import wave files ) but;

Imports of a .wav file will ( naturally I suppose? ) fail if I ;

(a) ( Try ) importing the wave file via "Ctrl+I" ( then choose the file type to import as ".wave or Aiff" ), & then choose my Wave file.

(b) ( Try ) importing the frequency response using the menu item called "import ferquency response ( then choose the file type as ".wave or Aiff" ), & then choose my Wave file.

It seems to me that the problem here is one ( I / we ) shouldn't be given the choice ( in the first place ) to import a wave file when importing through these 2 routes.

Imports of a .wav file will in fact be successful through the normal channels ( avenues? ) ;

of ; Ctrl+ Shift + U
or use of the Menu item called "import audio data"


PS; on Windows 8.1 Pro here.
What do you mean by choose the file type to import as ".wave or Aiff", Earl? The file chooser extension filter is set to

Data (.txt, .frd, .dat, .zma, .csv)

when using Import frequency response, whether from the menu or via the shortcut, the only other file type option should be "All files".

John, I'll post a screen grab.

I believe the choice of the file types, .wav or .aiff ( that's offered inside the filter ) is unintended .


PS: Here you go.

.WaveFile import_.png

I got to this selection screen ( via the Menu item called "Import frequency response" ).

If I choose to high-light the "Audio Data (.wav, .aiff) filter I can then "see" my Wave file offered as an import selection ( which of course fails upon import )
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Interesting, that doesn't appear in the file types offered under Win 10. Can you check the About REW dialog and let me know which Java runtime you are running? I presume this is with V5.19 beta 10?

Edit: had you previously imported an audio file?
Interesting, that doesn't appear in the file types offered under Win 10. Can you check the About REW dialog and let me know which Java runtime you are running? I presume this is with V5.19 beta 10?

Edit: had you previously imported an audio file?

Hi John,

Yes, this was with V5.19 beta 10 ( with the inclusive JRE 1.8.0_162 ).

Yes I had previously imported a .wave file ( as well as a .frd file ) after exporting a test file.

I run Win 8.1 Pro .

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Seems the default behaviour of the file chooser is to remember any file type selections previously used. There's a way to override that behaviour though, I've done that for the next build.
REW 5.19 Beta 10 BUGS

The actual sweep level is 3dB lower than the setting indicates.

Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at 11.15.07.jpg

SLP calibration is often wildly off (hundreds of dB occasionally), and when you are able to calibrate the measurement is displayed with a 10dB or more offset.

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 11.11.46.jpg

If you attempt to quit when you have unsaved measurements, the dialog asks if you want to save them now with options of yes/no/cancel
Selecting "cancel" quits without saving instead of cancelling the shutdown as expected.
More 5.19 beta 10 bugs..

RTA is acting strangely, no reading is visible even when scrolling the dB scrollbar, but when selecting the up/down/left/right arrow box to confine the display then the RTA appears.

RTA screenshots are broken compared to Beta 9

Beta 9:
UTC A-20 1kHz +18.jpg

Beta 10:
UTC A-20 100Hz +18.jpg

Actual screen OSX capture:

Screen Shot 2018-07-19 at 14.41.04.jpg
The actual sweep level is 3dB lower than the setting indicates.
It is actually 3 dB higher rather than lower, if the view option "Full scale sine is 0 dBFS" is selected. I've fixed that.

SLP calibration is often wildly off (hundreds of dB occasionally), and when you are able to calibrate the measurement is displayed with a 10dB or more offset.
Your screen shot shows you entering an SPL reading of -3.3 dB. That would be pretty quiet :). The figure that should go in there is the reading from your external SPL meter, not anything that REW is showing, the message was updated in beta 10 to emphasise that:


If you attempt to quit when you have unsaved measurements, the dialog asks if you want to save them now with options of yes/no/cancel
Selecting "cancel" quits without saving instead of cancelling the shutdown as expected.
That turned out to be specific to macOS, I've fixed it.

RTA is acting strangely, no reading is visible even when scrolling the dB scrollbar, but when selecting the up/down/left/right arrow box to confine the display then the RTA appears.
Not following that one, behaves normally for me. Can you provide more info?

RTA screenshots are broken compared to Beta 9
Looks like you have the "Use IEC263 25 dB/decade aspect ratio" option selected.
Edit: your screenshot shows you haven't though, I'll look further into that.
Edit2: fixed that now.
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Your screen shot shows you entering an SPL reading of -3.3 dB. That would be pretty quiet :). The figure that should go in there is the reading from your external SPL meter, not anything that REW is showing, the message was updated in beta 10 to emphasise that:


Thanks John,

Actually I haven't entered anything!! That figure in the calibration window seems arbitrary and changes each time I open the calibration window, despite the actual I/O levels remaining constant. In previous versions of REW this procedure was more reliable and allowed me to have a sweep result centered at "0dB" which when making "E-E" measurements is necessary. I should be perfectly clear here: I use REW for electronic measurements 99% of the time, so there is no external SPL meter. In previous versions I would simply enter the dB valus displayed in REW's "white LCD" into the user input popup and my resulting frequency response sweeps would be displayed in the measurements centered on 0dB. Apparently something has changed in beta 9 and 10...
The figure that appears there is just the value you entered when you last used it. If the current input level is to be treated as 0 dB then 0 dB would be the value you enter. The only beta 10 changes were to the wording of the message.

Edit: As an aside, for more accurate level calibration for electronic equipment you may wish to start the signal generator playing a sine wave at 1 kHz (or your preferred reference frequency) at the desired reference level before clicking calibrate.
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The figure that appears there is just the value you entered when you last used it. If the current input level is to be treated as 0 dB then 0 dB would be the value you enter. The only beta 10 changes were to the wording of the message.

Edit: As an aside, for more accurate level calibration for electronic equipment you may wish to start the signal generator playing a sine wave at 1 kHz (or your preferred reference frequency) at the desired reference level before clicking calibrate.

Interesting, the number is there from the first use of the calibration, is it retained from previous sessions?
Also I always have the signal generator running at my desired operating level before opening the SPL calibration..

Will re-test with Beta 11..!!
Regarding the Tone Burst, it would be useful to have a timed length rather than number of cycles. 100 cycles @ 100Hz is 1 second. @ 10KHz it's 10ms.