RIP Two Pioneer Plasmas

Thread Starter
May 21, 2017
Corpus Christi, TX
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Yamaha CX-A5000 A/V Preamp / Processor
Main Amp
Yamaha RX-Z9 AV Receiver (as multichannel amp)
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Denon DCT-3313 UDCI Universal Disc Player
Streaming Equipment
Roku Express
Front Speakers
Canton Karat 920
Front Wide Speakers
Realistic Minimus 7 (front EFX speakers)
Center Channel Speaker
Canton Karat 920
Surround Speakers
Canton Plus D
Surround Back Speakers
Yamaha YDP2006 Digital Parametric EQ (front mains)
Front Height Speakers
Yamaha YDP2006 Digital Parametric EQ (surrounds)
Rear Height Speakers
Yamaha YDP2006 Digital Parametric EQ (sub)
Other Speakers
Adcom ACE-515 (for power management)
Pioneer PDP-6010FD 60" Plasma TV
Video Display Device
Yamaha DT-2 (digital clock display)
Remote Control
Stock Yamaha Remote
Other Equipment
Audio Control R130 Real Time Analyzer
Well, I lost two of my beloved Pioneers plasmas in a matter of a few days.

We moved our 43-incher and the old 780p 50-incher to Corpus Christi from our house in Houston a month ago. All our stuff was moved in a U-Haul moving truck, but our two Pioneer plasmas were transported in our minivan.

We just moved from our little apartment here in Corpus to a 1930s-vintage rent house last week. When I put the 43” on our master bedroom dresser and plugged it in, there the usual internal “click,” but it wouldn’t turn on. Certainly not happy about that, but it’s not a big loss since there’s still the other 50-incher from our apartment.

A few days later I put the 50-incher from the apartment up on the dresser and plugged it into the same outlet, and – nothing. It won’t turn on either! Not even the internal “click.” Now I’m really not believing this! We’d been using that TV in our apartment for the past year, and a few years before that back in Houston with no problems. Did it really die on the half-mile trip from the apartment to the rent house??

I checked the outlet with a VOM meter and found nothing out of the ordinary, except that there is no functioning ground (it’s an old house). On a hunch I checked to make sure was no “rogue” voltage present on the ground connection, but the meter registered none. Do these TVs live or die based on a grounded outlet? The old 720p 50-incher is working fine in the living room on an ungrounded plug.

I guess our dilemma now is what to do. I’m not averse to buying used – in fact I got all three of them used. But these TVs are getting hard to find. So I guess I’m willing to spend as much for the repair as it would cost to replace it with another used one, which is probably $3-500. (I paid $1100 for the 50” back in 2012).

Wayne A. Pflughaupt
Sorry about your bad luck, Wayne. Hopefully you find resolution, whether it is a fix or a new/used panel that satisfies.
It is possible that transporting it from the apartment to the house jarred something loose inside both sets? if your feeling up for it why not take the back off and have a quick look to see if anything looks loose before giving up on them.
I hate to say it but as much as Plasma has had a great run at being king of the TV in the last two years there have been so many improvements in design that even the mid priced 4K tvs are becoming as good as Plasma was at blacks. Local dimming has really changed the way LCD TVs look and preform. OLED is even better from what Ive seen.
Well, the story has a happy ending. I looked on Craigslist several weeks ago, and surprisingly found a total of five Pioneer plasma TVs to choose from, not far away in San Antonio and Austin. To my delights, one of the offerings in San Antonio was a 60” model. I’ve been wanting a 60” for a few years now, but they’re pretty hard to find. So needless to say, I couldn’t believe my good fortune to find one practically in my own back yard.

The seller was asking only $350 for it. Even adding the price of the table-top stand I had to order, our bottom-line outlay is still under $600. I paid $1100 for the last 50” than I bought in 2012, so the price of these things has really come down.

Due to a number of circumstances I won’t bother to go into, we only got it hooked up yesterday, and of course the picture is absolutely stunning! I can’t understand why the public would choose LCDs and LEDs over plasma. Hopefully I’m set until the prices of OLED gets cheap.

Awesome Wayne! That's great story. Congrats on the find. Any sign of image retention on the screen?
Nope! Just eyeball retention, as in: I can’t stop looking at it! :)

I have a 50” 720p Pioneer that might find its way out of my home in the coming months.... unless I mount it in my workshop. Too bad you aren’t closer!
Todd, you’d better hang on to it for a few months after you retire it. Just in case you decide your new TV isn’t up to snuff!

Wayne A. Pflughaupt