Room mode calculator check


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Feb 19, 2023
I guys, I normally use this calculator.... LINK HERE
This is the prediction for my room .... you can see my dimensions.


And like you can see the result is near perfect.
but ....
Today a professional Home cinema designer has verified those dimensions with his personal calculator (he has a XLS files that calculate and draw the same bolt-area) and the X falls dramatically out of the bolt-area.

I'm pretty confused!!

Maybe the AMROC calculator has some bug??
Or the XLS file of this technician has some problem?

Is there a way to check if the AMROC is good?

thank you so much.

P.S. Does REW has some tool to calculate the bolt-area?
The comment under the Bolt-area diagram suggests that this diagram is for historical reference, although it seems to work... And references are provided should you consider desk checking this for accuracy... An XLS file suggests a Micro$oft Excel Spreadsheet... Which may or may not be correct... And I have seen many cases where incorrect results occur... Leading me to suggest that frens don't let frens use Excel for any exacting scientific, engineering or financial work...

A quick double check between AMROC and REW for Modal Distribution is dead on accurate...

For more Bolt-area information you might want to take a look at the Master Handbook of Acoustics F. Alton Everest & Ken C. Pohlmann...
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