RT60 Decay wrong?


Thread Starter
Jan 19, 2025
Hi everyone,

First, please excuse if this may be the wrong forum where I created this thread. I am not sure.

I recently ordered a miniDSP which is on the way.
However, before doing any kind of DRP, I want to treat my room first to get rid of the reverb in the room.

I intend to do so with incremental measures.
In order to keep record of the progress I was looking for an appropriate metric. In everyone Youtube room treatment tutorial that I watched so far, everyone uses RT60 decay to measure reverb in the room. So it was a no-brainer for me to measure that.

If it matters:
Measurements have been made with a UMIK-1 on a Windows PC, connected to my amp via USB connection.

It is a large living room (50m2) with lots of windows and the room is open at one corner into hallways that lead into other smaller rooms.

The reverb is clearly audible when talking in the room. So I was expecting a RT60 value of at least 1.5secs.

However, to my surprise it is even below 1000ms!!

…Getting under 1secs would have been my modest goal…

So now I am here, left with tons of reverb in the room, RT60 around 900ms and don’t have a clue what to do… lol

Any chance that something is wrong with my measurements?
Or is RT60 decay useless for some reason?
If so, why is everyone else using it successfully to measure reverb?
What should I use instead?

@John Mulcahy Oh...I see. It seems to be a misunderstanding on my side then. Don't know where I picked up that RT60 for living rooms should be around 600-700ms, and below 500ms for sound studios. Maybe I just misunderstood.
Thank you for your help!