Sharp Unveils 70-inch Aquos 8K Television, Will Ship in 2018


Senior AV Addict
Thread Starter
Jul 13, 2017
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7 Paradigm Reference series 8" in ceiling speakers
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Samsung UN75F8000 LED TV
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Universal Remote MX-450
from extremetech,

"The Foxconn-owned company announced its plans to launch its new LC-70X500 this year, with a true 8K panel. This isn’t Sharp’s first 8K product, but it’s the first to feature “just” a five-digit price tag, at $73,000."


Hurry guys! supplies limited! :)
Before I order, I have one question.

When will the 8K Blu-rays be ready :)
Right around the time, 16K TV comes out.. lol. :)
Jim, I thought of you when I saw this news...:greengrin:

It's a rabbit hole! Honestly, I can't imagine the benefit of 8K. We're already pushing the very outer limits of human vision capabilities with 4K at normal seating distances. And... we all know that HDR/WCG are the true game changers.

So, unless they start lacing 8K with some incredible game-changing add-on tech... or reserving the best of the best brightness capabilities for 8K sets...or you start sitting 2-feet from your television: don't sweat it. :T
Right around the time, 16K TV comes out.. lol. :)

Wait a minute. I was just in the process of filling out the order form on the 8K.

Glad I saw your post. I'll wait a little longer to get the 16K.
That just made my day.

Thanks for that! :devil:
lol. It is like you are on the platform waiting for the TV Train to arrive. Currently, 4K TV train is at the train station picking up consumers.. But, if you wait, there will be the 8K TV train arriving shortly and if you wait some more, 16K TV train will arrive. lol..

When to get on the train? :)
Jim, I thought of you when I saw this news...:greengrin:

you start sitting 2-feet from your television: don't sweat it. :T

A neighbor purchased my 78JS9500. He needs a BIG TV because he is almost blind. I installed it for him, programmed his Harmony remote and his Amazon Dot for voice command. That is exactly what he does. He sits about 3 feet from the set. I talked him into an Apple TV so he can mirror his iPad on the set which really helps him.

I have a new Z9D on the way as a replacement for the Samsung.

I hope to live long enough to own a holographic TV.

--- Live long enough to own a holographic TV --

You and me both! Like the Jetsons! :)
8K?!?! Really??? Why? Maybe they should have added UltraHDR too!