Sig Gen save-to-file format confusion.


Thread Starter
Apr 30, 2020
I have difficulty understanding where settings apply if there's multiple locations for them, with varying phrasing for similar items within the same section of the text.
In this situation it seems the "sample rate" could be used to decibe any one of a number of settings in REW, but because there is not one single setting in REW actually labeled "sample rate" in the RTA or the Sig Gen, I am very confused.

I copied this section from the REW documentation:

"...The Pink PN sequence can be saved to a wave file and used to generate a test file or disc to be played on a system whose response is to be measured. Make sure that the selected sample rate corresponds with the format of the disc to be made - for example, 44.1kHz should be used if generating a CD, or 48kHz for a DVD. When measuring the system the sample rate and FFT length must be the same as used for the test file or disc..."

Which sample rate? Selected where? The Squence length, FFT length, or the Save-to-File format? Which format? The format of the sound card of my PC or the format selection in Generator? The values selectable for File Format do not correspond to those for FFT length or sequence length.

Specifically, I want to save generated PN pink noise to an SD card for external playback in a car audio system, while taking measurements with the RTA.
I am using 64k FFT in RTA, and the same in the Generator to create the .wav files, but now my head is spinning trying to decipher this one odd sentence.
If it is the File Format that is supposed to be set equal to the FFT length and/or the Sequence Length, why are 44k or 48k is not available as FFT Length or Sequence Length? What should be selected? What if I want to use a larger FFT but my media player can not read anything higher than 48k format?
Help please! thank you.
Doesn't the signal generator help explain that? Saving signals to WAV files


Per the image, there is a "Format" heading which has a sample rate box and a sample type box. FFT lengths and sequence lengths are not sample rates.